Infomercial Products That Are Actually Totally Awesome

But Wait, There's More Good Stuff

Infomercial and "As Seen On TV" products get a bad rap because, well....lots of them suck. But, guess what?  Some of them don't. In fact, some of them are actually totally awesome and not only do we want to own them—we wish we'd invented them.

Squatty Potty

Yes, it makes us all giggle like we're back in 4th grade—but the truth is the Squatty Potty actually does help position our body into a squatting position that makes it easier to do our business. Could you just use a similarly sized stool or a pile of books? Probably. But the Squatty Potty got us all thinking about our #2 positioning and for that it belongs here regardless of what you use to elevate your legs now.

Wooden Squatty Potty

thedabblist, Flickr

The Clapper

Before we could just ask Google or Siri or Alexa to turn our lights on and off, there was The Clapper. Clap to turn them on and clap to turn them off. Sing it with us, "Clap On! Clap Off! The Clapper!"

Switch control of the electric light

MBLifestyle, Shutterstock

Chia Pet

We were always told not to play with our food—unless of course you're using the food to grow fur on a clay animal. Are Chia Pets useful? Do they solve a problem? Nope. But creating an art sculpture with chia hair is a ridiculously awesome idea that works.

Chia Pet the Baby Groot

Redfishingboat, Flickr


When it comes to infomercial fitness products, the landscape is littered with useless products (yes, we're talking about you Shake Weight). But there are some that stand out from their scam counterparts—and one of the good ones was P90X. These weren't weird bands or jiggle machines. P90X was a fitness program designed by an actual fitness expert—and if you were willing to put in the effort and follow the program—it worked.

Man in a black shorts weightlifting

Thomas Ronveaux, Pexels