Protective Facts About Fatherhood

Unlike moms, who to some extent have already secured a bond with their baby during pregnancy, dads can feel like they aren’t able to fully contribute until the child is brought into the world.

Fathers have to hit the ground running, and sometimes it can take a little while to catch up and get the hang of things.

Regardless, a father’s presence from day one is instrumental to the healthy development of a child; even while still in utero, the unborn baby can hear his voice.

Thankfully, society’s tendency to portray fathers in a less than great light is becoming a thing of the past (cue images of Homer Simpson or Al Bundy), and a more positive, constructive image of fatherhood is taking over.

Read on to get a better idea of the important role fathers play in their children’s lives with these 45 protective facts about fatherhood.

Fatherhood Facts

45. Lots of Birthdays to Remember

The Alaouite sultan Ismail Ibn Sharif of the the Moroccan family dynasty was probably the man who has fathered the most children: he had hundreds of wives and mistresses, and a whopping 888 children.

Fatherhood Facts


44. Dads Needed

Having and being a dad is important. In the US, around 63% of youth suicides are committed by adolescents who live in a home without a paternal influence.

Improve Their Lives facts


43. The Tables Have Turned

Finally–a break for females. In seahorses, during the mating process the female transfers all her eggs, between 50-1,500, to the male.

The male then fertilizes and carries the eggs for two to four weeks (depending on species), and the female visits him daily.

Animals Facts
