Bloody Facts About English Monarchs

Since it was first established, England has borne witness to many Kings and Queens. They've seen war, scandal, court intrigues, and battles for the throne.

These 50 facts will hopefully provide you with more insight into what makes their past so fascinating.

English Monarchs Facts

1. Great Men

Only two English monarchs have ever earned the historical epithet “the Great” after their first names. These men are Alfred the Great (849-899 AD) and Cnut the Great (995-1035 AD).

Alfred The Great facts

The Last Kingdom, Carnival Film & Television

2. Long Live the King

The monarch of Englandand the United Kingdomdoes not die. While generations of people have died while anointed as monarch, the system is arranged so that when the ruling monarch dies, their heir is instantly sworn in to succeed them. This way, the Royal Standard—AKA the flag associated with the Royal Familynever flies at half-mast, since the king or queen is still alive and well.

Joanna Of Castile facts

Wikimedia Commons, user:shakko

3. Nice Try, Gramps

Despite claiming to be “King of the Anglo-Saxons,” Alfred the Great was never king of all England. The first man to do so was his grandson, Æthelstan. He was first known as “King of the Anglo-Saxons” but eventually claimed the long-coveted “King of the English.”

Alfred The Great facts

Vikings, MGM