Unbelievable Facts About Reality TV

“Even though reality TV is very manipulated, it's all manipulated so that something real happens. And so, our job in this era is to make that real thing happen, because nobody wants to see any more manipulated, pre-planned performances.

That era is over.”—Josh Pais.

More and more, television networks are abandoning traditional, scripted television programs in favor of unscripted reality shows. They’re cheaper to produce, easier to make, and, above all else, popular with audiences.

When real, attention-hungry people are put on TV, almost anything can happen. Reality shows have broadcast the craziest, funniest, and most controversial moments in TV history, and audiences can’t get enough of the drama.

Here are 42 unbelievable facts about reality TV.

Reality TV Facts

42. Ready for Prime Time

Long before American Idol and The Voice made weekly work of launching pop stars into the public eye, one British television program provided the big break for an aspiring musician. The Big Time, which ran from 1976 to 1980 on the BBC, followed the day in the life of an ordinary person trying to land their dream job. Sheena Easton appeared in a 1979 episode and within two years was singing the theme to a James Bond movie. Easton won the Grammy for Best New Artist in 1981.

Reality TV Facts


41. Training Day

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Norway’s Bergen Railway, state broadcaster NRK ran a live shot from the window of the train as it traveled from Bergen to Oslo.

Seven hours with no dialogue, no discussion, just mile after mile of Norwegian countryside rolling by. More than 25% of Norwegians watched.

Reality TV Facts

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40. Runaway Success

The popularity of the Bergen Line broadcast kicked off a craze in Norway for “slow TV.”

Coastal cruises, people knitting, even stationary birdfeeders—if it’s long, dull, and utterly without plot, character, or dialogue, the Norwegians will watch it.

And now the craze is coming stateside: in 2016, Netflix picked up several of the NRK’s “slow TV” mainstays.

Reality TV Facts

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