Totally Fascinating Facts For Science Nerds

Science can be endlessly fascinating—from physics to chemistry to biology, there are so many interesting and wonderful ways in which the world works. Here are 42 totally fascinating facts for science nerds.

Science Facts

42. Science Scam

In 1898, inventor Nikola Tesla once tricked an entire crowd into believing that they could control a toy boat by shouting commands.

In fact, the boat was an early example of a radio-control toy, and Tesla was piloting the boat himself wirelessly, interpreting the verbal cues of the crowd into directions transmitted to the boat.

Bizarre People facts


41. These Eyes

The most complex eyes in the animal kingdom belong to the mantis shrimp. The shrimp’s eyes can interpret several types of light polarization throughout the entire visible spectrum.

This allows the tiny shrimp to see and distinguish least ten times as many distinct colors as humans can.

Science facts

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40. They Still Make You Just as Wet

Raindrops actually don’t fall in the form of a teardrop. Instead, because of surface tension and the flow of air around the drops, they are shaped more like the top half of a hamburger bun.

Science facts
