Heart-Stopping Facts About Death Row

“Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty... mine's putting in an express lane.”—Ron White, Houston, Texas

As far back as 1,754 years before the birth of Jesus, the state has been condemning people to death for a variety of offenses. A lot has changed about the death penalty in the last 3,700 years, but one constant remains: People demand vengeance.So, hang around for a minute, don't lose your head and we’ll inject you with some knowledge that you’re sure to get a charge out of. 

Death Row Facts

44. Easy as 1,2,3

Lethal injection protocol calls for a series of three separate drugs that are given in order. First, the prisoner is given sodium thiopental, a strong barbiturate which causes unconsciousness within 20 seconds. Then, pancuronium bromide, a muscle relaxant which is designed to stop the breathing is given. This is followed by the final drug, potassium chloride, which stops the heart. When everything works as planned, death will occur in five minutes or less.

Death Row Facts


43. Giving Drugs a Bad Name

Drug manufacturer Pfizer announced in 2016 that it would no longer sell any of its products for use in lethal injections. They joined over 20 other drug companies who had made the same decision. With Pfizer leaving the market, there are no FDA-approved drugs currently available for use in the process. States have countered by using less-than-reputable suppliers and attempting to keep the details hidden from public view. This has caused delays in procuring the new drugs, as well as concerns about their effectiveness.

Death Row Facts

Wikimedia Commons, Lauri Silvennoinen