Far-Out Facts About Life in the Universe

David Bowie—an artist who knew a thing or two about space aliens—famously asked: “Is there life on Mars?” Scientists have long wondered the same thing. And if not on Mars, then where?

With increasingly sophisticated techniques, those scientists are now beginning to solve the mystery of extraterrestrial life, and what that life might look like. Here are 42 far-out facts about life in the universe.

Life in the Universe Facts

42. The Spark

Scientists have a pretty good idea of how life evolved on Earth over the last 3.5 billion years or so. Small microbial organisms gradually developed into the complex, multi-cellular life we see around the world today.

They’re less sure about how that life began in the first place. Some suggestions have been lightning “sparking” necessary amino acids into existence, or clay acting as a surface for cells to organize themselves into more complex patterns.

Life in the Universe Facts


41. It Came from Outer Space

One possible, though imaginative, answer is outer space. Panspermia is the idea that cosmic debris like meteorites could have brought microbial life to Earth from as far away as different solar systems.

Life in the Universe Facts


40. There at the Beginning

While there is conclusive proof of life on Earth dating to about 3.5 billion years ago, there is also evidence that life on Earth began as early as 4.4 billion years ago, which would be almost simultaneous with the creation of Earth itself.

Life in the Universe Facts

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