Awesome Facts (About Everything)

The internet is incredible for so many reasons: instant worldwide communication, for example. Or how about the ability to manage planet-wide distribution networks for companies like Amazon or Fed-Ex?

But more importantly than all of that, the internet does one thing above all else: it provides us with access to the weirdest, most outrageous facts ever discovered. Every strange little tidbit, or fascinating story, that's ever weirded someone out... is available (for free) online.

Let's all be thankful for that. Boredom be gone!

On that note: here are 42 awesome (if not all that useful) facts about random stuff. Enjoy!

Awesome Facts

42. Astronomical

The universe is big.

Not exactly a shocker, right? But have you ever stopped to considered just how bogglingly, earth-shatteringly, inconceivably big it is?

Here's a fact: the famous astronomer Carl Sagan once said there are more stars in space than grains of sand on Earth. If he were right, that would mean about seven quintillion five quadrillion (7.5 followed by seventeen zeros, or 7.

5 billion billion).

But Sagan was actually underestimating. The truth: there's at least 70 sextillion... also known as a billion trillion.

Simply put, there's 10 stars for every grain of sand on Earth.

41. Hands Dealt

Nintendo is such a giant in the video game industry, it's next to impossible to imagine there was ever a time they sold anything else.

But here's a shocker: Nintendo was originally a playing card company. They also briefly dabbled in running a taxi service, operating a TV network, and managing a chain of hotels... before finally settling on video games in 1974.

Awesome Facts

40. Time Capsule

The digitization of everything is picking up speed. Case in point: Ten percent of all the photos ever taken were taken in the past 12 months...

which is due to the growing availability of cameras and, more importantly, the digital memory to store all those selfies.

I know, we have a hard time picturing it too.

Awesome Facts

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