Sad But True Facts

Ignorance is bliss. You think you would want to know about all the sad realities of the world, until you actually know.

Whether the problem is humanitarian, environmental, or otherwise, it creates a hopeless feeling when you realize there is not much you can do to help and, in some cases, there is nothing.  Here are a list of sad but true facts to make you think.

Sad But True Facts

41. Extinct Languages

There are over 2,500 ancient languages that are either already extinct, or in danger of being forgotten forever.

Spartans Facts


40. One is the Loneliest Number

In 1992, scientists discovered the loneliest creature on Earth. It is a whale that has been calling for a mate for two decades. The whale communicates at a frequency not used by any other whales, and so far, has not received a response.

People Love Fun Facts


39. Happy Birthday To Me

The two Mars exploration robots, Curiosity and Opportunity are both on Mars right now. However, they live on opposite sides of the planet, so they will never run into one another. On its one year anniversary, Curiosity was programmed to sing “

Happy Birthday” to itself.

Sad But True Facts
