Facts About Bizarre Medical Practices

Although the medical profession has amassed an immense amount of knowledge over its centuries-old history, that knowledge was often built on hit-or-miss experiments, leading to some strange historical medical practices.

Here are 40 facts about bizarre medical procedures.

Bizarre Medical Practices Facts

40. The Clyster Syringe

They used to take enemas seriously back in the day. Early medicine was pretty limited, so enemas, or clysters, were used a lot, and they were believed to cure all kinds of ailments. A large metal syringe would be used to introduce “medicine,”

often made from boar’s bile, into the patient’s…you know.

Bizarre Medical Practices facts

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39. Electric Sex Belts

When electricity was new and fascinating, a lot of crazy electrical devices were introduced into medicine. Enter the Electropathic belt that zapped you when you wore it.

It was supposed to cure everything from hernias to liver disease, but one of the most popular uses was to enhance sexual performance.

Bizarre Medical Practices facts

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38. The Ecraseur

Years ago, doctors would use a tool called an ecraseur to remove cysts. Doctors would tighten a chain loop around the cyst, cut off blood flow, then just wait for it to fall off.

It was very slow and painful, and thankfully they aren’t used anymore. Doctors also used to use ecraseurs for hemorrhoids. That can’t be comfortable.

Bizarre Medical Practices facts

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