Out-Of-This-World Facts About UFOs

“It’s a very typical UFO sighting. Carter said it changed color and, in the physical report, described it as being about the size of the moon. And he saw it with about twenty-five other people.”
- Dwight Schultz

UFOs, or unidentified flying objects have been a curious phenomenon documented by humanity for centuries. Whether UFOs are evidence that mankind is not alone, has yet to be answered. The speculation and scouring of the skies continues on.

UFOs Facts

26. Official Keepers of Sky Sightings

The Canadian National Research has a record of about 750 sightings of UFOs. The only other official and mostly complete records of UFO sightings are under Project Blue Book.

Project Blue Book was a UFO research agency, whose headquarters were based at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Project Blue Book has over 12,000 reports of UFO sightings and events, with 6% documented incidents remaining unsolved.

UFOs facts


25. UFOs Like Famous People

Winston Churchill reported seeing a strange airship, or UFO in Kent, England. It was sighted on October 14, 1912. Maybe the pilots flying the UFO wanted an autograph?

UFOs facts

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24. Maybe Someone Needed GPS

The first documented account of a UFO sighting in America dates back to the year 1639.

John Winthrop, the colony governor of Massachusetts, noted an incident where three men observed a luminous object flying around the Muddy River, near the same area of the Charleston for a period of two to three hours.

UFOs facts
