Random Facts That Sound Like BS, But Are Completely True

Randomize your life with these 24 random facts. These are so outrageous that they sound fake, but we assure you they aren't. See sources at the end!

Random Facts

25. Meanwhile, In Egypt…

Here's an incredibly fun fact.

The last wooly mammoths died in Alaska 4,000 years ago. What was happening elsewhere 4,000 years ago? Well, in Egypt, the pyramids were being built! Hard to imagine these things took place at the same time.

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Facts, Eric Kilby

24. Skewed Time

Speaking of pyramids—history sometimes has a funny way of compressing in our minds the further back in time we think about.

It’s easy to think about Egyptian historical events all occurring near each other, but in fact, the reign of Cleopatra was closer in time to the moon landing in 1969 than it was to the building of the pyramids!

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Flickr, Prayitno

23. Thicker Than Water

Coconut water—the liquid found inside coconuts, not to be confused with coconut milk, which is made of ground-up coconut flesh—is sterile, and has some other interesting properties.

It contains electrolytes, making it ideal to rehydrate after a workout. But there are stories of doctors using coconut milk during blood transfusions in wartime, such as during World War II, because it’s chemically similar to blood plasma.

Some doctors are dubious, but there is a story about a patient in the Solomon Islands being successfully given a direct transfusion of coconut water.

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Wikimedia Commons, Crisco 1492