Honorable Facts About House Stark
When you think of winter and direwolves, it's hard not to think of this famous Westeros house. The Starks have a long and proud history, going back to the dawn of the First Men.
It's unfortunate that the generation we’ve gotten to know in books and on television has had such horrible luck and has fallen so far. Fear not, for winter really has come and the Starks are finally turning the tables.
Grab your favorite Direwolf, some ale and enjoy these facts about House Stark, but as always, GAME OF THRONES SPOILERS AHEAD.
House Stark Facts
24. Longstanding Feud
The Bolton/Stark feud is nothing new—it's been going on for generations, but it gets really bad during the War of the Five Kings.
At one point they had been forced to swear their allegiance to the Starks, but they must not have taken it very well, because the Boltons not only orchestrated the Red Wedding with the Freys, but also took over Winterfell.
23. Foreshadowing
They say a person’s pet can be a reflection of themselves, but a pet predicting your fate is just downright creepy. When the direwolves are introduced in season 1, they’re adorable pups, and each Stark child pairs up with one, including Jon Snow.
There’s Lady, Nymeria, Grey Wind, Summer, Shaggydog, and Ghost. Only two—Ghost and Nymeria—remain alive today, as the others met horrible fates.
Sansa’s direwolf was killed by Joffrey, Robb’s was killed at the Red Wedding, Bran’s by White Walkers and Rickon’s direwolf was killed at the orders of Ramsey Bolton, just like his owner.
22. Starks and the Iron Throne
Obviously different members of the Stark clan have attempted to take the Iron Throne at different points, but if you only watch the TV show, you might not know the origin of the throne itself.
The swords that it is made of came from the enemies of Westeros' very first King, Aegon the Conqueror. There is actually no Stark sword among the ones used to forge the throne because they simply bowed down and refused to fight.
Torrhen Stark, who was the head of House Stark at the time, bent the knee rather than forfeit his men's lives in a fight they could not win. As a reward for this, he was named Warden of the North.