Hair-Raising Historical Facts That Will Take Us Out of the Dark Ages

We live in the information age! Humans have the opportunity to use technology to look back at the world, culture, and society of past civilizations throughout history.

Whether it’s about technology, traditions, heroics, or legacies, we can learn about human history with these facts, whether it's in the ancient period, the Dark Ages, or the history we've only just moved beyond.

Let’s explore some hair-raising facts of our human history.

Out of the Dark Ages Facts

24. Any Last Words?

Let’s begin with the end of a major historical figure’s life, Julius Caesar. This man, who was stabbed to death by assassins, has some apparent last words, "Et tu, Brute?" that have been long debated. This line comes from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, but even then, they aren't even his last words in the play (those would be, "Then fall, Caesar"). His real last words are unknown. The only historic record of his apparent last words say they were: “You, too, my child?” But who knows, he could have just closed his eyes and shrieked. Wouldn't blame him.

Julius Caesar Facts

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23. A Fetching Fact

Do you ever just look at a dog collar and think, "where oh where did this come from?" Well, the dog collar was invented in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians thought highly of their dogs—enough to decorate their pet's collars in great detail. The Greeks were even smart enough to put spike studs in dog collars to protect their pooches from wolf attacks.

Out of the Dark Ages facts


22. He Really Was a Hero

There was a guy who lived in the 1st Century AD who was known as “Hero of Alexandria.” This man has a long list of credited inventions, which includes the vending machine. A hero indeed.

Out of the Dark Ages facts

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