Facts About Elite Ancient Military Forces
Military special forces are not new; throughout history warriors have been trained to operate in foreign environments outside of the typical chain of command. Tasked with the most difficult of assignments, they often work in the shadows.
Elite Military Forces Facts
24. Tribal Mercenaries
From the ancient land of Medja in Nubia, the Medjay were a nomadic tribe who were gradually subjugated by the Ancient Egyptian government. Over the years, they took on a role as foreign mercenaries and eventually evolved into an elite paramilitary force. The term "Medjay" became a synonym for police, and they were used as desert scouts working as protection for the royal family and their possessions.
23. Get Hype
Philip II of Macedon and his son Alexander the Great revolutionized warfare and military service by organizing an incredibly efficient army, which helped them conquer a great deal of the western and eastern world. One of their vital military units were the Hypaspists, who were handpicked soldiers of the King’s Army. The Hypaspists were tactically used to protect vulnerable warfare positions and as royal bodyguards.
22. Companion Cavalry
The other form of elite military personnel of the Macedonian army was the Hertairoi, also known as the Companion Cavalry. They are regarded as the first shock cavalry, and renowned as the ancient world’s greatest cavalry. The Companion Cavalry was used as the "hammer" of the hammer and anvil tactic deployed by Philip and Alexander during battles. The infantry acted as an anvil, pinning an enemy in place before the cavalry would penetrate and raise hell on their enemy.