

Gian Gastone de' Medici survived a chaotic family and a nightmarish marriage—but his penchant for partying landed him in the worst kind of trouble.


Chris Brown has worn many hats over the years—but when he makes headlines, it's usually not because of his smooth dance moves or his soulful light voice.


Sometimes, people who seem charming and loveable on-screen are hiding the most twisted demons of all—and Milton Berle was the worst of them.


The royals couldn't get enough of Antony Armstrong-Jones, Princess Margaret's dashing young flame—but he hid twisted secrets behind that gleaming grin.


Edwina Mountbatten was the most scandalous aristocrat of the 20th century. If her name isn’t well known today, maybe that’s because of her tragic end.


When the cameras stopped rolling, Peter Sellers' loveable personas dropped away, and all that was left was a twisted, disturbing shell of a man

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