How old was Arnold when he won his first Mr. Universe title?
What was the name of Arnold’s first wife?
Twenty-five years after marrying Arnold, his wife Maria Shriver was horrified to learn that he had actually slept with the housekeeper Mildred Patricia Baena. Not only that, but he had fathered a son with her fourteen years earlier, which his wife didn’t know about.
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While he was on safari in Africa, Arnold’s vehicle was charged by an angry...
Arnold’s safari vehicle was charged by an elephant while he was in South Africa. Arnold, being an absolute legend, chuckled as the elephant chased the vehicle, then took some time to talk about how important elephant conservation is.
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What birth defect was Schwarzenegger born with?
Schwarzenegger was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, an aortic valve with only two leaflets. A normal aortic valve has three leaflets. In 1997, he opted for a replacement heart valve made of his own transplanted tissue, opting against a permanent mechanical valve as it would limit his ability to exercise and physical activity.
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Arnold played a crucial role in getting which car becoming popular in the United States?
Schwarzenegger was the first civilian to purchase a ‘Humvee’. He was so enamored with the vehicle, that he lobbied AM General to produce a street-legal, civilian version, which they did in 1992. Because when Arnie wants a Hummer, he gets a Hummer.
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True or False: Arnold served as Governor as a member of the Democratic Party.
False! Schwarzenegger became a Republican because the Democrats of the 1960s were far too similar to the Austrian socialists he had left behind in his home country. He was inspired hearing Nixon talking about free enterprise, getting the government off your back, and strengthening the military.
False! Schwarzenegger became a Republican because the Democrats of the 1960s were far too similar to the Austrian socialists he had left behind in his home country. He was inspired hearing Nixon talking about free enterprise, getting the government off your back, and strengthening the military.
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What is the highest-grossing movie Arnold has appeared in?
Arnold hit his commercial peak as the Terminator sequel Judgement Day was the highest grossing film of that year with a box office of $519.8 million.
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What was the name of the first film Arnold acted in?
In his first film, “Hercules in New York,” Schwarzenegger’s accent was so thick that his lines had to be dubbed after production. In his second film, he played a deaf-mute.
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What is the name of the documentary about bodybuilding that Arnold made with filmmakers George Butler and Robert Fiore?
Schwarzenegger was convinced to compete in his 6th Mr. Olympia in 1975 by filmmakers George Butler and Robert Fiore to make the bodybuilding documentary Pumping Iron. He handily beat Lou Ferrigno, the future Hulk, and then retired from bodybuilding until 1980.
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What country was Arnold born in?
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Schwarzenegger grew up struggling with anxiety, until a friend taught him how to cope by using which technique?
Schwarzenegger struggled with anxiety and learned how to overcome it when a friend taught him Transcendental Meditation.
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True or False: Arnold once posed nude for a gay magazine.
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What was Schwarzenegger’s first political position?
Arnie’s first political appointment was as Chairman on the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
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Why is Arnold not allowed to run for President?
Schwarzenegger has apparently been lobbying legislators for a possible constitutional change that would allow him to run for president or has been considering filing a legal challenge to the provision. A Columbia University law professor noted that while, “the law is very clear, it’s not a hundred percent clear that the courts would enforce the law rather than leave it to the political process.” “The Simpsons” already predicted Donald Trump. Perhaps they can go two for two.
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True or False: Schwarzenegger served in the Austrian Army for a year.
Schwarzenegger served in the Austrian Army for a year, as part of the mandatory service requirement for all 18-year old Austrian males. He went AWOL during basic training so he could compete in the Junior Mr. Europe contest and spent a week in military prison.
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When did Arnold begin lifting weights?
Schwarzenegger started lifting weights when he was 14 years old. His dad wanted him to be a police officer. His mother wanted him to go to trade school. With the wisdom of a 14-year old, he decided to make a career about being a massive human.
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Arnold once spent time in Austrian military prison. Why?
Schwarzenegger served in the Austrian Army for a year, as part of the mandatory service requirement for all 18-year old Austrian males. He went AWOL during basic training so he could compete in the Junior Mr. Europe contest and spent a week in military prison.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger is more than just an actor. He served as the Governor of which U.S. state?
When Schwarzenegger first announced his candidacy for the 2003 California recall election for Governor of California, it made national and international news, with media dubbing him “The Governator” and “The Running Man” and calling the recall election “Total Recall.” Schwarzenegger won the election by 1.3 million votes becoming only the second foreign-born governor of California since 1862.
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Mr. Universe
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Actor. Producer. Businessman. Philanthropist. Activist. Bodybuilder. Politician. For an immigrant who was initially known primarily for his ability to lift very heavy things, Arnold Schwarzenegger has had an incredible life that has included being one of the biggest action stars the world has ever known as well as serving two terms as the Governor of California. Despite being from Austria, he is the human embodiment of the American Dream. So, how much do you know about Arnold the Great? Time to find out...