Unfortunate Facts About Queen Isabella II Of Spain, The Queen Of Sad Mischance

How in the world does someone gain a title like “The Queen of Sad Mischance?” You only need to take a brief look at the life of Queen Isabella II of Spain to see exactly how.

Born in one of the most politically turbulent times of Spain’s history, Queen Isabella II’s life was stacked against her from the start—and her inability to rule only made things worse.

This Queen’s life is a tale of heartbreak, intrigue, and countless betrayals.

1. She Had A Disastrous Start

Isabella II’s life didn’t exactly have the most amazing start. Born on October 10, 1830, Isabella’s father was the problematic King Ferdinand VII of Spain, who some historians describe as “incompetent, despotic, and short-sighted.” Her mom was Queen María Cristina, Ferdinand’s fourth wife (yikes!) and niece (double yikes!). Why did Isabella’s dad marry his own niece, you ask? The answer is simple, though incredibly messed-up.

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2. She Was The Product Of Desperation

You see, Isabella’s dad desperately needed an heir—a male heir, to be exact—and none of his previous wives managed to produce one. Marrying María Cristina was the aging Ferdinand’s last chance at producing an heir, so you can imagine how incredibly disappointed Isabella II’s dad must’ve been when she popped into the world—a baby girl through and through.

Isabella’s dear old dad wasn’t going to throw in the towel though. Instead, he did something that completely changed Isabella’s life.

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3. She Was Destined For Power

Isabella’s dad ratified a decree that allowed her and her younger sister, Luisa Fernanda, to inherit the Spanish throne.

Thanks to his decree, Isabella was on track to receive a powerful, prestigious position, instead of being mere arm candy to the son of a royal house. Pretty sweet deal, right? Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for young Isabella.

By becoming first in line to the throne, Isabella acquired a dangerous enemy before she turned three years old.

Queen Isabella II Of Spain Facts

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4. She Had A Close Enemy

Before Isabella came along, someone else was first in line for the throne. That person was her uncle, the Infante Carlos María Isidro of Spain.

Thanks to Isabella’s father, dear uncle Carlos was suddenly displaced from the line of succession, and boy was he unhappy about it. In April 1833, Isabella’s dad demanded Carlos swear allegiance to the young princess.

Not only did Isabella’s uncle refuse, but he took things one step further.

Queen Isabella II Of Spain Facts

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