Think You Know America? Answer These American History Questions To Find Out

Think You Know America? Answer These American History Questions To Find Out

The United States may not be that old as a country, but it has been through a lot—created, at least in part, by the will of men to be free from tyranny.

We've devised a quiz covering the bulk of American history before the Revolutionary War—see how you do and whether you remember as many of your American History classes as you think.

What Is The Oldest Known Painted Object In North America?

This object was located near Fort Supply, Oklahoma, and was first discovered along the banks of the Beaver River. But what is the object?

Army camp barracks

Harper’s Weekly, Wikimedia Commons

The Cooper Bison Skull

The Cooper Bison Skull was located alongside spear points and is the oldest known painted object in North America, as it had a red zigzag pattern painted on it. It has been carbon-dated to around 10,200 BCE.

Closeup of Bull Bison

CRPeters, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

One Of The Oldest-Known Settlements In The United States Is Oraibi, But To Which Indigenous Tribe Does It Belong? 

Founded in 1128 CE, this Indigenous homeland sits in present-day Arizona and is home to which Indigenous tribe?

Oraibi settlement

Unknown Artist, Wikimedia Commons

The Navajo Peoples

Located in Arizona, Oraibi is one of the oldest-known settlements in the pre-United States. It was founded in 1128 CE and settled by the Navajo People.

Navajo Woman And Infant

Ansel Adams, Wikimedia Commons