Things You Need To Stop Doing After 50

Half A Century

Age might just be a number and 50 may be the new 40—but there are still some things we all need to stop doing once we hit that half-century milestone.

Stop Fearing Getting Older

We understand this is easier said than done. But the more we embrace our age, rather than fear it, the more we will enjoy it. Which leads us into...

Person holding a round mirror

SHVETS production, Pexels

Stop Trying To Look 30 (For Other People)

This one is as much a product of our vanity as it is the unattainable beauty standards portrayed in the media. But either way, once we hit 50, let's all stop trying to look 20 years younger because that's what we've been told is "attractive". While doing little things to keep ourselves feeling young and looking vibrant are good, let's not go to extremes to de-age ourselves like we're Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci in The Irishman.

Although, as we say that, we also want to say....

Woman getting beauty treatment

cottonbro studio, Pexels

Stop Caring What Other People Think

If you read that last entry and said to yourself, "Forget about that, I want to look younger for myself"—then you know it. Who cares what we think. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, it's safe, and you are doing it for you (and not to please, or live up to, anyone else's perceived standards), then go for it. You've earned it.

Woman in red floral shirt

Andre Furtado, Pexels

Stop Ignoring Your Finances

In our 20s, retirement seemed so far away that saving for our futures wasn't something most of us thought about or cared about. Now, in our 50s, it seems right around the corner. So, if you haven't already, take a look around that corner and see how your finances are stacking up. Will you be able to retire when you want to? How much money will you have to live off of when you do stop working? These are very important questions that you need to ask sooner than later.

Accounting cash money

Tima Miroshnichenko, Pexels