Exciting Facts About Susan Hayward, Hollywood's Drama Queen

Susan Hayward was the American actress best known for her passionate fictional portrayals of the dramatic lives of real people.

But, given the dramatics of her own life, Hayward made for a compelling character herself—and her life would have made for a great movie. Read these facts and find out how Hayward claimed her crown as Hollywood’s drama queen.

1. She Was An Imposter

Susan Hayward wasn’t always, well, Susan Hayward. She was born in June 1917 as far away from the glitz and glam of Hollywood as one could get. Her birth name was actually Edythe Marrenner and her parents, Ellen and Walter Marrenner, were low-income laborers in New York City. Although she came from humble beginnings, Hayward was destined for so much more.

Susan Hayward Facts

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2. Her Life Was Exciting From Day One

Hayward’s life was pretty dramatic right from the get-go. It was full of unexpected twists and turns—some of them happy and some of them horrifying. Perhaps the most traumatic event of her childhood was when seven-year-old Hayward tried to innocently cross Snyder Avenue in New York City. In a split second, her life took a very unexpected turn...

Susan Hayward Facts

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3. She Had A Bad Accident

While she was crossing the street, a vehicle appeared out of nowhere and struck Hayward with its full force. The consequences were unspeakable: Hayward suffered two broken legs and a fractured hip.

But you know what they say, what doesn’t put you in the grave only makes you great. Or, more accurately, leaves you with a scar and a story for the rest of your life.

The accident did, however, give Hayward the "break" she would need going forward.

Susan Hayward Facts

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4. She Had Her Own “Twist”

Hayward spent months in a partial body cast, recovering at home, and afterward, emerged like a butterfly from a cocoon. But something had gone terribly wrong: Her bones had healed and resettled abnormally, leaving her with the distinctive “hip swivel” that made her so appealing on camera. Hayward made the best of the hand she'd been dealt—but fate was only just getting started.

Susan Hayward Facts

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