The Shortest-Reigning Monarchs In History
The Shortest-Reigning Monarchs In History
You're likely familiar with Queen Elizabeth II's reign as the longest-reigning monarch in British history, sitting on the throne for an incredible 70 years. But what about the other English queen who ruled for just nine days? Let's examine some of the shortest-reigning monarchs in history. Blink and you'll have missed their all-too-short reigns as heads of state.

Ibrahim Pasha
During the Ottoman Empire, their governors of Egypt, over which they ruled, were called "Walis". One such Wali was Ibrahim Pasha, who succeeded his father Muhammad Ali, after the latter was declared senile and incapable of ruling. On his way to Constantinople to be confirmed into office as Wali, Ibrahim Pasha died of exhaustion.

Pupienes was one of Rome's emperors in the "Year of Six Emperors", in 238 AD. He and another emperor were declared co-emperors by the Roman Senate in a revolt against leader Maximinus Thrax, following the earlier deaths of two more co-emperors who will appear later in our list. Pupienus' reign lasted 99 days—he was slain by the Praetorian Guard in July 238 AD.

Balbinus enjoyed 99 days as co-emperor alongside Pupienus of Rome, but he was also assassinated by the Praetorian Guard on the same day as Pupienus. Ironically, the grandson of Gordian I, whose death started this mess, became emperor as Gordian III.

Umberto II
After his father, Victor Emmanuel III abdicated on May 9, 1946, Umberto II took control of Italy's monarchy. His reign would last only 34 days, after the Italians decided that they'd rather abolish the monarchy than go through more forms of absolutist government.