Wild Stories From The Scandalous Past

History books are great for telling you the important moments from our past, but we're not here for "important." We're here for that dirt. Secret marriages and disturbing pastimes. Bizarre habits and gruesome ends. Betrayals and insanity. You know, the good stuff. Well buckle up, because these are the wild stories  about the scandalous past that your history textbooks wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.

1. The Marquis de Sade Was Depraved

The spoiled, quick-tempered Marquis de Sade, safe behind the walls of his Château de Lacoste, began experimenting with his wildest desires in his early 20s.

He hired only the most attractive young men and women to work in his castle and forced them into his salacious bedroom activities. Of course, he also hired a constant stream of young prostitutes to supplement his twisted fantasies.

The Château de Lacoste hid the worst of de Sade's depravities. It was only a matter of time before his twisted secrets got out.

Marquis De Sade facts

De Sade (1969), American International Pictures

2. His Employees Fled In Terror

The Château de Lacoste was the Marquis de Sade's happy place, and not even the threat of the guillotine could keep him away for long. While he fled France to avoid persecution, he returned yet again in 1776. He quickly hired several women to "work" in the castle. They soon realized they'd gotten themselves trapped in his sadistic nightmare. Most of the women fled the castle as soon as they could—and they would come back to haunt de Sade before long.

Marquis De Sade Facts

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3. They Didn't Keep Quiet

For the horrors he committed on his unconsenting servants, the Marquis de Sade got off pretty easy—but he very nearly met a painful end years earlier.

One of the servants who fled his castle in his heyday ran to her family and told them what the Marquis did to her. Her father, understandably, was horrified and furious.

The authorities had proved incapable of stopping de Sade thus far, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He traveled to Lacoste with one thing on his mind: Vengeance.

Marquis De Sade Facts

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4. He Nearly Lost His Life

The Marquis de Sade was a lot of things: Cruel, sadistic, depraved, and...lucky. When his employee's father came to Lacoste, he brought a loaded pistol for de Sade's heart.

The man got within arm's reach of the Marquis, drew his weapon, and fired—but it misfired, saving de Sade's life. Despite his chilling lifestyle, de Sade managed to live all the way to the ripe old age of 74.

We can't say the same thing about the trainwreck Duchess of Berry, France's messiest scandal-maker.

The Pilgrims facts
