These Old Hollywood Husbands Are The Absolute Worst

Constant affairs. Secret children. Attempted murder. Old Hollywood had no shortage of leading men—but anyone unlucky enough to actually get their hands on one of these hunks was in for a rude awakening.

1. Clint Eastwood Fathered A Love Child

Eastwood had barely been married for a year when he got a girl pregnant—just not his wife. A girlfriend up in Seattle got pregnant, resulting in a daughter, Laurie, born in 1954.

Laurie's mother never told Clint about the child and gave her up for adoption. Laurie Murray lived her entire life completely unaware that her father was one of the most famous men on Earth.

It wasn't until Laurie was in her 30s and went searching for her real parents that she found out—and I'm sure got the shock of a lifetime. For most stars, one love child is bad enough. But Eastwood was just getting started.

Clint Eastwood facts

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2. He Cheated Constantly

It shouldn't surprise you to hear that Eastwood's first marriage wasn't going great. Clint clearly didn't believe in the whole "always be faithful" part of his vows. He started cheating almost as soon as he said, "I do,"

and now that he was an actor, he had even more ladies to choose from. He even had an affair with the bodacious Mamie van Doren after he landed a tiny role in one of her movies.

His wife was undoubtedly hoping that Eastwood would eventually grow up and stay faithful—but she was betting on the wrong man.

Mamie Van Doren facts

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3. His Cheating Grew More Blatant

Clint Eastwood cheated on his first wife for their whole marriage—and eventually, his betrayal got even more blatant. Everyone on the set of his show Rawhide saw him take women into his trailer, then emerge lazy, tired, and unwilling to work. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together. As always, many of these women were one-night stands—but one relationship was far more intense than all the rest.

Clint Eastwood facts


4. He Didn't Learn His Lesson

OK, Eastwood didn't know about the secret love child he'd fathered in 1954, so we can't really hold that one against him. But what about his second secret love child? In 1964, his girlfriend Roxanne Tunis gave birth to a daughter, Kimber. Everyone on set knew they were an item, and they all noticed when Kimber became pregnant. Kinda difficult to keep that under wraps...

Though Eastwood's wife never commented on Kimber, it seems impossible that she didn't know. Sadly, she had gotten into the habit of turning a blind eye to her husband's infidelities. Roxanne was just the tip of the iceberg.

Clint Eastwood Facts

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