How Many Of These Cold War Trivia Questions Can You Answer?

How Many Of These Cold War Trivia Questions Can You Answer?

The Cold War was one of America's most infamous 20th-century conflicts. It was fought not militarily but through political and economic means, including spies and intelligence gathering. Communism was the natural enemy of capitalism, and the Soviet Union was America's arch-enemy. 

The Cold War lasted for 40 years, ending in 1989. But how many of these trivia questions about the war can you answer correctly? 

When Did The Cold War Begin?

The beginning of the Cold War wasn't marked by gunfire, but by a speech by American President Harry S Truman to Congress. This speech is generally considered the beginning of the Cold War, but on what date was it given?

Harry S. Truman in suit

Harry S. Truman Library., Wikimedia Commons

March 12th, 1947

President Truman stood before Congress on March 12th, 1947, and gave an 18-minute speech to Congress outlining the United States' foreign policy, including its attitudes toward Communism.

A speech by American President Harry S. Truman

The U.S. National Archives, Picryl

What Is The Name Of The Doctrine Outlined In President Truman's Speech To Congress?

This one's rather easy...

President Harry S. Truman in a suit and looking down

The U.S. National Archives, Picryl

The Truman Doctrine

Perhaps lacking creativity—Truman's approach to American foreign policy was called "The Truman Doctrine".

President Harry S. Truman in a suit sitting at this desk

The U.S. National Archives, Picryl