Things That Are Way Harder For Left-Handed People
Everyday Inconveniences
Have you ever noticed how some everyday tasks are strangely difficult for left-handed individuals? It seems like the world is unintentionally designed to favor right-handed people. So, how much of an impact does this really have?

Scissors Are Designed For Right-Handed Use
Most scissors are manufactured with the top blade positioned for right-handed users, meaning lefties struggle with visibility and require more force to cut. Left-handed scissors exist, but they are harder to find and often more expensive.

Can Openers Require Right-Hand Use
Traditional manual can openers have a turning mechanism on the right side. This means a right-handed grip is essential to operate one smoothly. Lefties either have to use their non-dominant hand or awkwardly maneuver the device. While left-handed can openers exist, they are not widely available.

Notebook Tear Lines Are Easier For Right-Handed People
Perforated pages in notebooks are designed so that right-handed users can easily tear out a page with a clean edge. On the other hand, left-handers must pull in the opposite direction, which can be a little inconvenient.

Ice Cream Scoopers Have Thumb-Operated Levers For Right-Handed Use
This small but frustrating design choice can make serving ice cream more difficult for left-handed individuals. Many ice cream scoops have a built-in lever to release the ice cream, typically positioned for right-handed use. The lever is often placed on the right side, which feels awkward for left-handed users.