Astronomical Facts About Tycho Brahe, The Scandalous Scientist

Scientists have a reputation for being boring and nerdy, but this astronomer smashed through these stereotypes. Tycho Brahe lived a life as large as the universe.

1. He Lived A Wild Life

From its privileged beginning to its suspicious ending, Tycho Brahe’s life was stranger than fiction. This includes a kidnapping, a duel, a psychic dwarf, a royal affair, a forbidden romance, countless feuds, and a few murder conspiracies.

This astronomer changed the way we see the universe–he might just change the way you see scientists.

Portrait painting of Tycho Brahe. - circa 1650-1750.

Skokloster Castle, Wikimedia Commons

2. He Was Kidnapped

Tycho Brahe’s life should’ve been straightforward, but it was anything but. In 1546, he was born into a Danish noble family. On top of that, Tycho was the eldest of 12. Sadly, this included his twin brother, who didn’t survive. Andit gets even worse: His childless uncle and aunt snatched two-year-old Tycho from his real parents to raise as their own. 

Stranger still, his mom and dad had a shocking reaction to every parent’s worst nightmare.

Brahe, Tycho (1546 - 1601) - B&W portrait.

Unknown Author ,Wikimedia Commons

3. He Had Sketchy Parents

Most parents would’ve gone to the ends of the Earth to get their child back. But Tycho’s mom and dad weren’t most parents, and they simply allowed this bizarre arrangement. This arrangement sounds completely messed up, but Brahe revealed that his aunt and uncle couldn’t have treated him better. 

Without them, he might not have found his destiny on one unforgettable night.

The Bille and Brahe noble families of Denmark. - 1613

Kågeröds kyrka, Knutorps slott, Skåne, Wikimedia Commons

4. He Had An Epiphany

One night changed Brahe–and science–forever. At 13, he witnessed a solar eclipse. It was the right place, the right time, and the right person. The eclipse was cool, but Tycho found something even cooler: science.

It amazed Brahe that astronomers could predict not only this eclipse, but other cosmic phenomena. He wanted in.

B&W Portrait of Tycho Brahe. - 1601

Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons