Soulful Facts About Otis Redding, A Star Dimmed Before His Time

There's nothing quite like a thrilling "overnight success" story. But when it comes to soul superstar Otis Redding, his meteoric rise to the top ended almost as quickly as it started.

1. He Started With Nothing

Born in the American South in 1941, Otis Redding’s family didn’t have much to boast about. His father worked mainly as a sharecropper, which didn’t bring in much money for his mother and five siblings. However, Redding seemed to have some deep resolve, as even at a young age, he found his own special way to rise above.

Otis Redding Performing

Michael Ochs Archives, Getty Images

2. He Had A Deep Love Of Music

Redding started playing music in church as a child, developing his skills with multiple instruments. His parents noticed his talent—and when he was 10 years old, they placed him in singing and drum lessons.

A bright future lay ahead of him, but unfortunately, extremely dark days loomed ahead.

Image of Otis Redding Working

BBC, Otis Redding: Soul Ambassador (2013)

3. He Grew Up Fast

In the mid-1950s, disaster struck. Redding’s father became seriously ill with a case of tuberculosis. Still just a teenager, Redding suddenly found himself bearing the weight of being the oldest boy in his family, even though he was the fourth in the line-up of siblings. With his father in and out of the hospital, he ultimately made a decision no child should make.

image of Otis Redding on a farm

BBC, Otis Redding: Soul Ambassador (2013)

4. He Gave It Up

Redding officially dropped out of school at 15, shifting his focus squarely to taking care of his family financially. He took just about any job he could find, including the hard labor of digging wells.

He didn’t forget the love he grew up with, though. Perhaps his rather taboo music idol played a role in his refusal to give it up completely.

image of Otis Redding

BBC, Otis Redding: Soul Ambassador (2013)