August 26, 2024 | J. Clarke

Chaotic Facts About Natacha Rambova, The Queen Of Hollywood Scandal

Natacha Rambova might have risen to fame during the “silent era” of Hollywood film, but her life of drama and scandal gave folks lots to talk about.

1. It Started Early

Rambova’s life started just as turbulently as it ultimately ended. Born Winifred Shaughnessy in Utah in 1897, her mother came from a pretty high profile family in the Mormon church. If you know anything about their religious history, you’ll know they didn’t have the best rep. That might explain her early family dysfunction.

Natacha RambovaIrving Chidnoff, Wikimedia Commons

2. She Had A Rough Childhood

Her father, a devout Catholic, originally baptized her in his own faith. Her mother re-baptized her later on, but the two faced much larger issues. Rambova’s dad drank way too much, and topped that off with a terrible gambling habit. When her mother finally decided to leave him, she added on to the instability with another drastic decision—and young Natacha was right at the center of it.

A portrait of Natacha RambovaRussell Ball, Wikimedia Commons

3. They Sent Her Away

When Rambova’s mother moved on to her second husband, she decided to send her young daughter away to boarding school. As you probably guessed, things didn’t go well. She rebelled against every form of authority there, and they eventually kicked her out. Just a few years later, though, she landed on another dream to throw her life behind.

Natacha Rambova portraitBain News Service, Wikimedia Commons

4. She Wanted The Spotlight

Reportedly, Natacha Rambova decided she wanted to be a ballerina after she saw Swan Lake  for the first time. Against her parents’ wishes, she decided to pursue ballet seriously, hoping to turn it into a lifelong career. But when she headed to New York City to study the art under a well-known Russian choreographer, her plans took an unexpected turn.

Natacha Rambova in 1926Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons


5. She Caught His Eye

Photos reveal Rambova to be both slender and beautiful, but she bore one characteristic that interfered with her prima ballerina dreams. At 5’8” tall, she appeared too tall to be a traditional ballerina. But her instructor, 32-year-old Theodore Kosloff, had other ideas—and not just about ballet.

Natacha Rambova in 1925Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

6. He Changed Her

Not only did Kosloff give Rambova leading parts despite her height, but he supposedly also gave her the name “Natasha Rambova”. Some reports claim she changed her name to mesh more with the Russian ballet scene. Other reports, though, claim Kosloff gave her the name of an ex-girlfriend—which makes the next part of this just that much more creepy.

Natacha Rambova in a magazineMotion Picture Magazine, Wikimedia Commons

7. He Fell Hard

Before long, the two became embroiled in a torrid romantic relationship. Kosloff pursued and romanced Natacha despite her very young 17 years of age—and that’s not the worst part. Kosloff also had a wife and baby waiting for him at home. It seems Kosloff bore a questionable reputation even before her. Perhaps that’s why the news made Rambova’s mother go completely ballistic.

Natacha Rambova in her homePhotoplay, Wikimedia Commons

8. She Tried

When Rambova’s mother received news of the affair, she first tried to force the couple apart by refusing to pay the fees for her daughter’s training. But when that didn’t work, she went a step further. She reported Kosloff to the authorities and tried to get him permanently kicked out of the country. And what did Rambova do? Something only a teenager a teenager in love would consider…

Natacha Rambova in a dressUniversity of Washington, Wikimedia Commons

9. She Ran Away

Natacha Rambova left with her lover, first escaping to Canada before turning up in Europe. Her mother, now married a third time to a millionaire, hired several investigators to track her down. She absolutely refused to return though, unless her mother agreed to drop the charges. Defeated, her mother ultimately acquiesced—but Rambova probably grew to regret it.

Natacha Rambova - Film ActressUnknown author, Wikimedia Commons


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10. She Followed Him

When an actor and filmmaker hired Kosloff to do costuming in 1917, Natacha Rambova took off with him to Los Angeles. She became immersed in Hollywood culture as her lover worked as a designer for multiple productions. Even more than that, though, she caught the fashion bug, and started designing herself. That’s when things got even more shady.

Natacha Rambova in 1923Screenland, Inc., Wikimedia Commons


11. He Stole Her Stuff

Reportedly, Kosloff passed off a lot of his work to women designers who worked for him, including Rambova. He’d receive commissions for costume designs, have his “ladies” create the designs, then claim he did the work himself. He got away with it too. That is, until he made the mistake of sending Rambova out on a job all on her own.

Theodore KosloffUniversity of Washington, Wikimedia Commons

12. She Dazzled

In 1919, Natacha Rambova went to present some designs to multi-hyphenate filmmaker and actress Alla Nazimova on assignment from Kosloff. When Nazimova made some notes on the designs, Rambova got to work right away making the adjustments to the design on the spot. A light bulb went off for the filmmakers, and Rambova’s life changed forever.

Alla NazimovaMishkin Studio, Wikimedia Commons

13. She Found Her Place

Alla Nazimova hired her on the spot, offering her a position of power most women didn’t get—art director. She seemed to hit her stride immediately, getting right to work on Nazimova’s films, and landing opportunities to art direct and costume design in other films as well. According to some reports, though, her career wasn’t the only thing heating up. 

Alla Nazimova in 1905Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

14. She Played Both Sides

Nazimova, an artist known for her flamboyance and flair, regularly involved herself romantically with both men and women. With Rambova working so closely with her, people speculated the two got intimate. No one ever explicitly proved this, though. Furthermore, Rambova’s own confirmed chaotic love life probably took up all her time.

Alla Nazimova outdoorsBain News Service, Wikimedia Commons

15. It Didn’t Last

Natacha Rambova stayed with Theodore Kosloff at the start of her growing success, but the cracks in their union soon started to show—especially as Rambova flourished in her career. Unsurprisingly, reports further claim that he didn’t stay faithful either. It pushed Rambova to a dangerous decision.

Theodore Kosloff in a magazinePhotoplay Magazine, Wikimedia Commons

16. She Tried To Go

After she started making her own money, Natacha Rambova decided to leave her older lover for good. Considering their life together, she tried to break up with him civilly, letting him know she was planning to move on. She was in for a brutal surprise. The two broke into a huge argument, and a totally unhinged Kosloff took things one step too far.

Natacha Rambova on a boatBain News Service, Wikimedia Commons


17. He Took His Shot

In the height of their argument, Kosloff grabbed a rifle and fired it at Rambova, hitting her leg right above the knee. She managed to escape out the window of their home and run to a friend's house for safety. Rattled, shaken, and probably lucky to be alive, she stayed put as her friend managed to patch her up. And what did she do next? Make another horrible decision.

Theodore Kosloff in a movieParamount Pictures, Wikimedia Commons

18. She Went Back

Natacha Rambova ultimately went back to Kosloff, living with him for months after that incident. While most of the sordid details of their turbulent relationship remain private, it isn’t hard to see the questionable dynamic between her and a man over a decade her senior. But luckily for her, something (or should I say, someone) new soon saved her from herself.

Natacha Rambova for a magazineAbbe, Wikimedia Commons

19. She Moved On

By the early 1920s, Natacha Rambova finally freed herself of her tempestuous relationship with Theodore Kosloff. She continued to work on films, starting to make a bit of a name for herself. Still working for Nazimova, she met the next man to leave his mark on her love life while on set. It turned out to be everything but love at first sight.

Alla Nazimova in 1921Unknown author, Wikimedia Commons

20. He Wasn’t Her Type

Natacha Rambova brushed shoulders with Hollywood heartthrob Rudolph Valentino several times before they actually hit it off. On the first go, she actually called him “dumb”, and didn’t like him much at all. But as many of these things go, they eventually built a friendship which started to get more than friendly. But Valentino came with some pretty interesting baggage…

Rudolph ValentinoUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

21. He Had History

The chemistry was building between Natacha Rambova and Rudolph Valentino—but there was just one problem. He was married to an actress, Jean Acker. Yet the marriage didn’t look anything like one might expect. According to multiple reports, his wife preferred to date women, and only married him to conceal this fact. Maybe that explains his whirlwind of a romance with Rambova.

Jean Acker in 1923Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

22. They Moved Quickly

When they finally did get past the friend stage, the romance between Rambova and Valentino burned fast and bright. They bonded over their love of art and difficult childhoods. And before they’d dated for one full year, they decided to move in together. They lived together in a small apartment on Sunset Boulevard, creating quite the unusual love nest.

Rudolph Valentino And Natacha RambovaUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons


23. They Lived In A Zoo

Rambova and Valentino both loved animals, and decided to start an unusual collection of pets in their small home. They reportedly lived with a snake, a monkey, two Great Danes, and even a lion cub. But somewhere among all this excitement, Valentino’s real life came around to bring him and Rambova crashing back to reality.

Valentino With Natacha Rambova And Their DogUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

24. She Left Him

Finally, Valentino’s wife filed for divorce in 1921. This didn’t come as any surprise, considering the fact that Valentino and Rambova already lived together. In fact, this news likely came as a relief to Valentino, who never had a real relationship with his wife anyway. Perhaps that explains the way he made his next decision without really thinking it through.

Rudolph Valentino And His DogOrange County Archives, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

25. They Tied The Knot

To keep things from looking too inappropriate, Valentino and Rambova “separated” until courts finalized his divorce. But once the papers came through, he whisked her away to an exotic little spot in Mexico to make things official. Unfortunately for them both, however, the decision landed Valentino in the last place he expected to be.

Natacha And Rudolph in 1923Agence de presse Meurisse, Wikimedia Commons

26. They Locked Him Up

Whether they just didn’t take time to look into the details or felt too in love to wait, we may never know for certain. But at the time, laws in California forbade persons from getting married for a year after a divorce—and the consequences were devastating. Shortly after their romantic ceremony, authorities threw Valentino in jail for bigamy.

In retrospect, it was an omen for the unfortunate events to come.

Rudolph ValentinoJames Abbe, Wikimedia Commons

27. Things Got Weird

And in more ways than one. Once Valentino’s friends bailed him out, he and Natacha Rambova waited the year out and got married again. But once they did get back together, things took a bit of a spooky turn. They took a special interest in the spiritual world, and even did frequent seances. More than that, though, their differences started to take center stage.

Rudolph Valentino and Natacha RambovaUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

28. She Didn’t Want To Settle Down

Natacha Rambova didn’t want to be a regular housewife. Several reports claim the two differed on appropriate gender roles for women. Namely, Valentino expected Rambova to become more of a homemaker, while she wanted nothing of the sort. In fact, her marriage to Valentino only heightened her desire to work. She ended up with more than she bargained for.

Natacha Rambova and Rudolph Valentino in ParisUnknown author, Wikimedia Commons

29. She Got What She Wanted

Being connected to Valentino cemented Natacha Rambova as a Hollywood celebrity, and opened up even more opportunities for her to work in film. She officially became Valentino’s manager, and took over his costuming on several occasions. And while they seemed to work well together on the surface, things started to crumble when it came to his career.

Natacha Rambova and Rudolph Valentino for a magazineRussell Ball, Wikimedia Commons

30. She Did Too Much

Up to that time, Valentino made a name for himself as sort of a “Latin Lover” onscreen. But Rambova nearly destroyed his career. She took more creative liberties when dressing him, causing critics to condemn his more feminine styling. They also criticized his work on film, which seemed to be flopping at every turn. Eventually, fans turned all their blame on the easiest victim…

Natacha Rambova, Rudolph Valentino, and Jack CurleyUnknown author, Wikimedia Commons

31. They Blamed Her

Fans and production alike unequivocally blamed Valentino’s declining career on his new wife’s influence. Eventually, Valentino got the chance to sign with another production studio, who reportedly only booked him with the agreement that Natacha Rambova never came to set. But perhaps the issues between them came from somewhere much deeper.

Natacha Rambova and Rudolph Valentino with dogsUnknown author, Wikimedia Commons

32. They Faked It

Rumors about the nature of their marriage persisted then and continue into the accounts of their lives today. According to some reports, they never actually consummated the marriage. These sources claim they both used the marriage to disguise their more taboo romantic preferences. One particular story, though, seems to totally debunk that theory.

Rambova and Valentino in Motion Picture MagazineInternational Newsreel, Wikimedia Commons

33. They Kept It Hot

One Hollywood cinematographer, Paul Ivano, was a houseguest of Valentino and Rambova—and what he claimed to have seen shocked him to his core. He said he once saw the couple in the act. According to him, the couple engaged so vigorously that Rambova actually fainted. You can do with that story what you will. But whether or not that actually happened, their relationship eventually went to pieces.

Natacha Rambova & Rudolph Valentino in June 1925United Artists, Wikimedia Commons

34. Things Fell Apart

In 1925, the two separated and officially filed for divorce. She left Valentino, but she didn’t have any intentions of leaving Hollywood. In fact, she soon landed on a very new opportunity. She found herself set to star in a film titled Do Clothes Make the Woman? She took it on with her usual gusto—but she was in for a surprise.

Production still from the film Salomé (1923)Nazimova Productions, Wikimedia Commons

35. She Flopped

Not only did critics hate the film, but production actually bamboozled Natacha Rambova completely. Despite her divorce proceedings, they billed her as “Mrs. Valentino” in order to draw viewers. And they didn’t stop there. They changed the title of the film without her knowing, to the very taunting When Love Grows Cold. This spelled her very last job in film in any capacity, but even worse lurked on the horizon.

Still from the film When Love Grows Cold (1926)Film Booking Offices of America, Wikimedia Commons

36. She Lost Him

Just a few months after her film debut, Valentino became extremely ill. Despite their estrangement, he requested the company of his ex-wife while in the depths of his despair. But there was a cruel twist. Tragically, Rambova wasn’t in the country, and couldn’t make it back fast enough. The news of his passing completely broke her heart…but there was more to it than that.

Rudolph Valentino and Natacha Rambova outdoorsbunky's pickle, Flickr

37. He Screwed Her In The End

Before he was on his deathbed—likely, in the middle of their acrimonious divorce—Valentino had updated his will. Well, after he passed on, Rambova found out that he’d left her a disturbing gift...a single dollar bill. Ouch.

Rambova didn’t let the incident embitter her towards her ex—if anything, she mourned him, and their tempestuous romance even more.

Caricature Of Rambova And ValentinoCharissa, Flickr

39. She Took It Hard

Natacha Rambova literally locked herself away in a room when she found out she lost Valentino. Divorce or no divorce, she seemed to grieve his loss deeply, refusing to leave her room for three days. When she finally did come out, she tried to arrange for his burial in her family crypt. His family refused, but she still couldn’t let him go.

Rudolph Valentino cryptPaperhaus, CC0, Wikimedia Commons

39. She Stayed In Touch

After Valentino’s passing, Rambova claimed to make contact with him through the spirit world. She deepened her practices in the occult even more, and seemingly found herself making peace with him in the astral plane. Back in the physical world, though, she needed something solid to hold on to. She tried a little bit of everything.

Rudolph Valentino Films His WifeFPG, Getty Images

40. She Did Her Thing

In the years after she lost Valentino, Natacha Rambova dabbled in several moderately successful endeavors. She wrote plays and memoirs, often inspired by her romance with Valentino, and even opened a small boutique. But the dawn of the 1930s brought about the Great Depression, and with it, another huge life change.

Mrs. R. Valentino - Natacha RambovaBain News Service, Wikimedia Commons

41. She Started Over

In what seems to be a recurring trend for her, Natacha Rambova decided to leave the United States in 1931 to avoid the effects of the economic downturn. She settled on a life in Europe, first going to Paris then moving to Spain. While in Spain, she built quite a reputation for herself as a socialite and art seller. She got down to another old habit, too.

Natacha Rambova aboardLibrary of Congress, Wikimedia Commons

42. She Fell Again

Less than a year after her move, she found herself in another whirlwind of a romantic relationship. This time, she hooked up with a Spanish nobleman, Alvaro de Urzaiz. Interestingly enough, he reportedly looked a bit like Valentino. Perhaps that helps explain the way she rushed into marriage again—and again paid for it later on.

Still from the American drama film When Love Grows Cold (1926)Film Booking Offices of America, Wikimedia Commons

43. It Didn’t Last

Alvaro de Urzaiz and Rambona stayed married for only a few years. Some reports say they parted ways because she didn’t want to have children, but others insist they parted ways over Rambova disagreeing with her new husband’s involvement in the Spanish Civil War. Either way, though the marriage didn’t last, one experience that took place during their union did.

Wife of Ruldolph Valentino, Natacha RambovaBettmann, Getty Images

44. It Called To Her

In 1936, Natacha Rambova toured Egypt for the very first time. While there, she found herself overwhelmed with emotion, and often wept. By her own account, she felt deeply connected to the mythology and history of the place, almost as if she’d been there before. It became the defining characteristic of the rest of her natural (or unnatural) life.

Natacha Rambova During an InterviewBettmann, Getty Images

45. She Did A Deep Dive

Natacha Rambova spent the rest of her days totally enamored with Egypt. She latched onto the idea that she lived a past life there, and took it upon herself to research the mythology and religion of the country. She took it so seriously, that she basically recreated her entire personality around this duty—and perhaps very intentionally so.

Natacha Rambova in November 1922Maurice Goldberg, Wikimedia Commons

46. She Changed Her Image

Rambova purposefully stopped bringing up Valentino or her connection to Hollywood in her day-to-day dealings. Instead, she morphed into more of a scholar as she continued to research, write, and even collect artifacts from Egypt. And as unbelievable as it may seem, she ultimately earned the respect she probably craved her whole life.

Rudolph And Natacha in costumesJames Abbe, Wikimedia Commons

47. They Supported Her

In her later years, Natacha Rambova made many trips back to Egypt to continue her studies. She contributed to books and academic journals, and even received grants to help fund her research. Seemingly finally settled in the state of her life, she continued her work diligently, until life got in the way one more time.

Natacha Rambova posingPhotoplay, Wikimedia Commons

48. Things Caught Up With Her

Although it’s not completely confirmed, several reports claim that Rambova struggled with an eating disorder for most of her life. Allegedly, this contributed to the development of the disease scleroderma. The illness affected her throat, making it even more difficult for her to eat. But that didn’t turn out to be the only thing keeping her from getting her calories in.

Still from the film Film Booking Offices of America, Wikimedia Commons

49. She Lost It

Somewhere along the line, Rambova seemed to develop the belief that someone wanted to take her life. The consequences were disastrous. Convinced she was being poisoned, she stopped eating altogether. To be honest, it sounds to me like her investment in otherworldly ways of thinking probably caught up with her. But it made her stop eating altogether, which led to worse issues.

Natacha Rambova in 1923Street & Smith Corp, Wikimedia Commons

50. She Went Crazy

In September 1965, people found her in the worst state they’d ever seen her. She suffered a mental breakdown in a hotel in Manhattan, effectively going into some state of psychosis. When she finally got to the hospital, doctors blamed her malnourishment for her mental health. She didn’t have much longer to suffer, though.

Natacha Rambova and Her DogBettmann, Getty Images

51. She Left Her Mark

Natacha Rambova passed about a year later, ultimately from a heart condition. As whimsical in passing as in life, her family honored her request not to bury her. They cremated her and spread her ashes in a forest. Honestly, if she lives on the way she believed she would in the spirit world, I can only hope her existence there is much more peaceful than her time on earth.

A portrait of Natacha RambovaAbbé, Wikimedia Commons

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