Unforgettable Facts About John Cazale, The Greatest Supporting Actor

In his tragically short but illustrious career, John Cazale became a propelling inspiration for not one, but two of Hollywood’s hottest stars of all time.

1. He Was Unforgettable

In his brief career, John Cazale did one thing that no actor has ever done before. He only appeared in movies that received Best Picture Academy Award nominations.

It certainly helped that Cazale worked with acclaimed directors and some of Hollywood’s greatest stars—but there was something about Cazale that turned his minor roles into unforgettable characters.

Yet for all that hard work, he ended up meeting a heartbreaking end.

John Cazale attends a party at the Hotel Pierre in New York City on November 19, 1976.

WWD, Getty Images

2. He Made A Strange Move

John Cazale was born on August 12, 1935 and raised in various places throughout the state of Massachusetts. He had an Irish-American mom and an Italian-American dad, and found his calling in high school. From the time he was just a teen, Cazale knew he wanted to be an actor.

New York was nearby and teemed with acting opportunities. But strangely, Cazale didn’t see it that way—and made a surprising choice.

Screenshot of John Cazale looking at front from - Oscilloscope, I Knew It Was You (2009)

Oscilloscope, I Knew It Was You (2009)

3. He Got A Good Education

Cazale decided on Ohio as the place to start his acting education, and he ended up at Oberlin College. It was worth the trek to Ohio, as its other notable graduates included Nobel Prize winners and Rhodes Scholars. Once he’d gotten all he could from Ohio, Cazale went back to his home state and studied at Boston University.

Finally, he was ready to start his career as an actor.

Screenshot of John Cazale looking at front from - Oscilloscope, I Knew It Was You (2009)

Oscilloscope, I Knew It Was You (2009)

4. He Walked Away

While he was getting his career started, John Cazale did a stint driving cabs to support himself. At the same time, he began to get parts in the theater and received amazing reviews. Finally, it was time to hit the Big Apple. Cazale continued looking for acting jobs while working as a photographer. Then he did something strange.

Cazale walked away from acting and took a very non-theatrical job with Standard Oil as a messenger.

Screenshot of John Cazale looking at side from - Universal, The Deer Hunter (1978)

Universal, The Deer Hunter (1978)