Jaw-Dropping Facts About Jeffrey Hudson, The “Queen’s Dwarf”

There’s a long, bizarre history of unique people who have been exploited for the entertainment of others. But the story of the "Queen's dwarf," Jeffrey Hudson, might be the most extraordinary and sad tale of all.

1. He Came From Nothing

Born in the early 1600s in England, Jeffrey Hudson lived with his parents and three siblings. Though his father worked for the famous Duke of Buckingham as the trainer of his baiting bulls, the family was still poor. Little did they know, they'd soon have another problem on their hands. As Hudson grew, his family began to notice something shockingly different about him.

Jeffery Hudson, a dwarf in green clothes

James Stow, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

2. He Didn’t Grow Up

As a child, Hudson became something of a mystery. He stopped growing quite early, reaching only 18 inches in height.

Interestingly enough, neither his parents nor siblings shared the same condition, which probably explains why some people came up with some truly bizarre explanations for Hudson's tiny size.

Jeffery Hudson, a dwarf

Daniël Mijtens, Wikimedia Commons

3. She Made A Mistake 

Many onlookers came up with their own explanations for Hudson’s stunted development. One lasting theory placed blame on his mother, claiming she choked on a pickle during her pregnancy. I have no idea what the connection is there, but we’ll give it a pass, all things considered. The real explanation is much less complicated. 

Jeffery Hudson, a dwarf.

Unknown Author, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

4. He Was Born At The Wrong Time

If doctors assessed Hudson's condition today, they’d likely diagnose him with a pituitary gland disorder. Considering the fact that he didn't show any other traits associated with dwarfism, he’d even have options to help him grow normally. But back then, doctors didn’t have any of that information. Perhaps that explains the shocking decision his parents made. 

Jeffrey Hudson

Unknown Author, Rawpixel