Surprising Facts About Buddy Holly, The Not-So-Innocent Idol

Buddy Holly may have looked cute, but behind those iconic glasses was a fiery rebel who played by his own rules—until that fire went out forever on one of the most tragic days in the history of Rock and Roll.

1. They Called Him Buddy

Charles Hardin Holley, called “Buddy” from an early age by his family, was born in Lubbock, Texas to cash-strapped Baptist parents in 1936. The Great Depression was in full swing and little Buddy was the family’s fourth child, but the family spoiled the baby nonetheless.

But there wasn’t always a lot to go around.

Buddy Holly Facts
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2. They Made Music Together

Buddy’s father Larry rarely kept down a steady job for long, and the family lived in poverty.

But even when financial struggles meant the Holleys had to move to a small place far outside Lubbock, they still had one thing that brought them all together: music.

The entire family sang and played instruments, with the exception of Larry, who said, “Someone needs to listen”. But they soon realized that their baby Buddy was different…

Buddy Holly Facts

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3. They Humored Him

When his older siblings entered talent shows, Buddy desperately wanted to join them, even if he didn’t know how to play yet.

Once, to humor him, his older brothers let him join them on stage with a violin—but only after they’d greased the bow so it wouldn’t make a sound.

Buddy Holly’s older brothers humored him at first—but before he’d even entered school, he was already making them jealous.

Screenshot: Buddy Holly wearing white shirt and sunglasses is standing outside - from The Real Buddy Holly Story (1985)

BBC, The Real Buddy Holly Story (1985)

4. He Had The Juice

Holly won his first singing contest when he was just 5 years old. He clearly had the natural talent—but when he was young, he had other things on his mind. He loved the outdoors and spent his days hiking, fishing, and horseback riding.

But there was something else he adored even more: his older brother, Larry. Unfortunately, his brother wasn’t always the best role model…

White Mountains, New Hampshire in the fall

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