These Creepy Encounters Are Truly Demented
The world is filled with unique and, sometimes, very weird people. These Redditors have heard the creepiest declarations imaginable and are here to recount their terrifying tales. These wacky stories range from laughably curious to downright disturbing. Count your blessings that you haven't had to endure some of these extremely questionable encounters.
1. Just Say The Word
When I was at university during the summer I went back home and worked on farms, mostly picking up hay. Every year there would be different workers. Some good and some bad. But this one was downright scary. This one bloke had been in the Mongrel Mob, which was a gang in New Zealand that tends to attract the absolute scum of society.
He wasn't too bad a chap and was quite funny and hard-working. Just what you want on your team when you're spending ten hours a day picking up hay bales. One day I was driving the truck to another farm with him beside me.
We started talking about one of the other workers. I knew him from university and he had come up for the work on my suggestion.
At university he seemed a decent sort but he soon showed his true colours of being a useless pos. I was complaining about the useless prick and apologizing for being responsible for him being there. I jokingly suggested that maybe we could arrange a "farm acciden." Like have the tractor back over him and a stack of hay bales collapse on him. That sort of thing...I never expected him to actually take me seriously...
At this point the mongrel casually mentioned he knew people who for just $5000, would kill and dispose of anyone.
He said they had a set-up out in the bush, which was New Zealand speak for middle of nowhere, where they would feed the body to pigs then dispose of any remains in an acid bath. The completely casual way he spoke of this was really unsettling.
2. Good Riddance
Towards the end of our marriage, my ex-husband got really angry with me one day and began to explain in detail how he could murder me and get away with it.
He laid out every detail and gave rationales behind each one to prove why his method would be fool proof and result in him never getting caught. I was terrified.
It really made me open my eyes to his maltreatment and fear for my life knowing he had been meticulously planning this out in his head.
It made it worse that he had gotten to the point where he was comfortable sharing this with me as if I wouldn’t be around long enough to do anything about it.
3. Trying To Lose It All
I worked on the phone in a gambling or betting place in OZ while I was travelling and mainly did the night shift. One of the regulars was winning a lot and kept placing higher and higher bets which is a red flag. I asked him about how his night was going and why he was making such big bets. His answer was seriously messed up...
He told me it was the anniversary of his sons’ passing and he was trying to lose all his money. But that wasn't all. He said that after losing all of his money, he too wanted to take his own life. The problem was—he just kept winning.
Authorities were eventually called and after they did a check-in, he ended up getting rushed to the hospital. But he was okay and betting again the next week normally. He acted like nothing had ever happened.
It was in the most normal tone when he said it on the phone, and even laughed at it, "I'm just trying to lose my money and end it all but it’s just my luck that I can't even lose."
That comment creeped me out and that I've probably thought about this more than he has since it happened.
4. You Good Bro?
I went to middle school in a not so good neighborhood so lots of kids were involved in gang activities. This one kid had some anger issues but honestly wasn’t a bad person and we got along well. One day in class he leans over and asks, “do you want to see it?” And before I could reply he flashes a weapon from his bag. Immediately my face fell.
He followed it up with, “don’t worry, you’re good.” This could have very easily been a much worse situation.
And middle school me wasn’t smart enough to tell anyone about it but I asked him to leave it at home since the staff could check our lockers and bags. I wasn't worried about him using it in school but I should have been.
Thank goodness nothing ever happened.