Starry Facts About David Cassidy, The Brightest Teen Idol

David Cassidy was the teen idol whose star went supernova and then turned his life into a devastating black hole of addiction and depression.

1. He Was Bigger Than Elvis

Long before anyone had heard of "Bieber Fever," there was "Cassidymania". For much of the 1970s, David Cassidy was the biggest teen idol the world had ever seen. His fan club dwarfed that of The Beatles and Elvis Presley. His devastating story, however, is a cautionary tale about what happens when a teen star goes supernova.

David Cassidy wearing black suit and white shirt is smiling and looking at side -  2004
Joe Seer, Shutterstock

2. His Parents Were Stars

Even before his first mania-inducing concerts, David Cassidy was a star. His father, Jack Cassidy, was a famous actor and singer while his mother, Evelyn Ward was a star in her own right.

There was little question, then, that little David Cassidy was destined for big things. But no one could have predicted the heights he would reach.

David Cassidy wearing shirt and jacket ,smiling at camera - 1973

Hans Peters / Anefo, Wikimedia Commons

3. His Parents Abandoned Him

With so much star power in the home, little Cassidy didn't shine bright enough to get his parents' attention. At least, not a first.

They spent so much time away from home, touring and filming, and away from the young Cassidy that they didn’t even raise him.

For the most part, it was Cassidy’s humbler grandparents who took charge of his upbringing—but this led to some devastating moments.

David Cassidy wearing grey shirt and jacket is seating with open arms - 1973
Nationaal Archief, Wikimedia Commons

4. He Was The Last To Know

Cassidy was so distant from his parents that he had no idea what was happening with them. In fact, when his parents got divorced, Cassidy was the last one to hear about it.

He only found out two years after the fact when kids in his neighborhood broke the bad news. Fortunately, a mother figure did eventually appear in Cassidy’s life.

David Cassidy wearing grey sweater is looking at side - 1972

Joel Kramer, Flickr