Lost Facts About Alemayehu, The Stolen Prince

Prince Alemayehu started life as heir to one of the largest fortunes in the world before a cruel set of events changed the course of his life. Alemayehu's privilege couldn't save him from his dark fate.

So how did a prince fall so far, and what became of him after he lost it all? Keep reading to find out.

1. He Was Born Into Some Serious Royalty

Born April 23, 1861, Prince Alemayehu was the only child of Emperor Tewodros II and his second wife Empress Tiruwork Wube of Ethiopia.

Despite the couple’s stormy union (sordid details to follow), the prince’s father doted on him and claimed him as his heir. But just because Tewodros was nice to Alemayehu, don't go thinking he was a good guy...

Prince Alemayehu facts


2. His Dad Was A Tyrant

After the untimely passing of his first wife, Emperor Tewodros became, for lack of a better word, vengeful. His grief sent him to a disturbing place. Alemayehu’s worldview was likely shaped by the knowledge that his father once ordered 500 prisoners beheaded in retaliation for the murder of his close friend, not to mention the beheading another 7,000 prisoners. Seems kind of extra.

And when the Emperor married Prince Alemayehu’s mother Tiruwork, it all seemed to get ten times worse.

Prince Alemayehu facts


3. His Mother Hated His Father

While Alemayehu was dearly loved by his parents, their union was more horror story than fairy tale. Before their marriage, Emperor Tewodros threw Empress Tiruwork’s father and brothers in prison. Even worse, he refused to release them once they had married, although he did agree to ease their conditions. Needless to say, family reunions in Prince Alemayehu's household must have been very awkward—until they tried a desperate solution.

Prince Alemayehu facts


4. His Parents Had Brutal Fights

Empress Tiruwork was ready to leave Tewodros before the wedding bells had even stopped ringing. However, they still managed to have one child together, the ill-fated Prince Dejazmatch Alemayehu, or just "Prince Alemayehu" to his friends.

Were the newlyweds happy after he was born? Very likely. Were they happy with each other? Incredibly unlikely. Just a hunch.

Then again, they did have one thing to console them.

Prince Alemayehu facts

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