Pawesome Facts About Dogs

Pawesome Facts About Dogs

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” -Roger Caras

Dogs have been called ‘man’s best friend’ for millennia. Loyal, dependable, fun-loving, and protective, dogs become more than just a true friend, but a part of the family. Dogs are found all around the world, bringing joy and humor into the world of their humans.

Here are 44 facts about dogs!

Dogs Facts

44. Riding Shotgun

It usually takes 18 months to train a guide dog from birth. Guide dogs are trained to judge environments, traffic conditions, and other elements to ensure it’s human can move about safely. Guide dogs have been honored with an international day of recognition.

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43. Canine Creativity

Tillamook Cheddar or Tillie for short, was a dog who painted. She had over 17 exhibits, including art shown in Milan, Brussels, and Amsterdam.

Dogs FactsShutterstock


42. It’s A Living

People were paid to collect dog droppings in Victorian London. It was used to tan leather.

Bizarre Christmas Traditions FactsPixabay

41. Shameless

Dogs do not feel guilt. However, they are submissive, and may look ashamed when confronted by the ‘Alpha.’

Craziest Excuses factsShutterstock

40. Trust The Hound

A dog can tell if someone is being untrustworthy. In fact, a dog will stop listening to a person if they are not reliable.

Spoiled Brats FactsPixabay


39. Postal Service Blues

Mail carriers with the USPS report approximately 6,000 dogs attacks annually.

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38. Which Way

A dog will wag their tail to the right when they feel happy, but to the left when they are scared or anxious.

Happy DogPikwizard

37. Smarty Pants

The average canine is as smart as a two-year-old child.

Mall Santa Experiences factsPixabay


36. Unsinkable

Of the 12 dogs aboard the ill-fated Titanic, 3 managed to survive.

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35. What’s For Dinner

In Switzerland it is perfectly legal for people to consume dog and cat meat as food. In China, 30,000 dogs are slaughtered for their meat and fur daily.

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34. Speed Racer

The Greyhound is the fastest dog breed, capable of running up to 44 miles per hour! The name Greyhound comes from German, meaning old or ancient dog, not the color gray.

Dogs FactsWikipedia


33. What’s In A Name

Corgi is derived from the Welsh language, meaning ‘dwarf dog.’ A group of pugs is called a ‘grumble.’ Lots of love come from the littlest packages!


Dogs FactsFlickr

32. World’s Oldest Breed

The Saluki is the world’s oldest dog breed. They originated in Egypt around 329 B.C.

Dogs FactsPixabay

31. Sad Dog Fact

A dog lives an average of 10 to 14 years. However, smaller breeds typically live longer than larger dog breeds. A dog that has been spayed or neutered lives longer than dogs who have not been fixed.

Something Wasn’t Right factsPixabay


30. Instinct For Cuteness

Dogs don’t just curl up to look cute, it is actually thanks to an instinct to protect their organs and keep themselves warm while sleeping. Experts have also figured out--or at least believe that have--what dogs dream about. The answer, it seems, is you: dogs dream about their owners.

Quiz: The Wizard Of OzPxhere

29. Snuggle Up

In ancient China, people would put dogs up their sleeves in order to keep warm.

Creepiest Things Kids Have Ever Said or Done FactsPixabay

28. Like A Wet Fingerprint

No two dogs have the same exact nose print, as each nose is as unique as a human fingerprint. Also, dogs have wet noses in order to better absorb scent chemicals.

Dogs FactsPixabay


27. The Scent Of You

Leaving a piece of clothing behind with a dog, that smells like the owner, will keep separation anxiety to a minimum.

Angriest ever factsPixabay

26. Yodel Over Barks

The basenji is the only domesticated dog breed that does not bark as its primary form of vocalization. This breed prefers to howl or yodel and can yodel like no one’s business.

Dogs FactsMax Pixel

25. Poop With A Purpose

Dogs prefer to leave their droppings in alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field. Maybe it optimizes the fertilizing properties?

Dogs FactsWikimedia Commons


24. One Step For Dog Kind

Laika, a Russian dog, was the first animal in space. She traveled around planet Earth in the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 in 1957. She is said to have died painlessly in orbit approximately a week after launch.

Dogs FactsWikimedia Commons

23. Best Wing Man Ever

If a man is looking to score a date, he should bring a dog with him. Men who have a dog with them are 3 times more likely to get a lady’s phone number.

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22. More Paws To Love

The Norwegian Lundehund is the only canine that has six toes on each paw.

Dogs FactsPexels


21. Not Colorblind

Dogs are not only able to see shades of black and white, but can also see shades of blue and yellow. Dogs are not able to see reds.

Dr. Phil factsPxHere

20. Trifecta Vision

Dog have three different eyelids. The third lid, called the ‘haw’ is specially made to keep their eyes clean and moisturized. Think of it as the windshield wiper of the eye.

Spoiled Brats FactsPixabay

19. By Leaps And Bounds

When a puppy is born, it is blind, deaf, and toothless. Puppies grow to half of their adult body weight within the first four to five months of life. After that, it takes a year or more for puppies to fully develop into their adult bodies.

Disturbing Retail Moment FactsMax Pixel


18. Spin Cycle

When dogs run around in a circle before settling down, it’s a way of getting comfortable. It is a nesting trait passed down from their ancestors.

Ian Curtis factsPixabay

17. Trust In Me

Bill Irwin was able to successfully make a trek through the Appalachian Trail, over 2,100 miles long. This was all thanks to his companion Orient, Bill’s seeing-eye dog. Orient, a trusty German shepherd, led Bill to become the first visually impaired man to make the trek.

Navy SEALS FactsPxHere

16. Made For This

Thanks to their water-resistant coat and webbed feet, Newfoundlands are one of the strongest swimming dog breeds.

Dogs FactsMax Pixel


15. What The Funk

Dog’s paws sometimes smell a little funky, because they have sweat glands in their feet.

Strangest Coincidences FactsShutterstock

14. Word Smart Dogs

Most dogs are capable of remembering over 150 commands. In fact, there is a border collie by the name of Chaser who knows up to 1,022 words.

Win on Jeopardy quizShutterstock

13. Guess Who

The name of the dog on theCracker Jacks box is Bingo.

Dogs FactsFlickr


12. Train Commuters

Stray dogs in Moscow have learned how to ride the subway to get around.

Dogs FactsWikimedia Commons

11. War Dogs

Dogs wore spiked collars to protect them from wolf attacks in ancient Greece. Mastiffs wore armor and were sent to do battle in ancient Rome.

Dogs Facts Wikimedia Commons

10. Look Out Badgers

The daschshund was bred originally to fight badgers.

Dogs Facts Wikimedia Commons


9. Hollywood Inspiration

Sunnee, Walt Disney’s family dog, was the inspiration for the animated film ‘Lady and the Tramp.’

Dogs FactsFlickr

 8. Diet Dangers

Dogs can suffer renal failure from consuming grapes or raisins. Chocolate, cooked onions, macadamia nuts, and caffeine can also be harmful to canines. Apple and pear seeds may also be deadly, as they contain arsenic.

Chocolate FactsShutterstock

7. A Sad Story

The well-used phrase “It’s raining cats and dogs,” has its origins in 17th-century England. When there was a heavy storm, dead animals would be washed into the streets. This made it look like it had indeed rained cats and dogs.

Raining Cats and Dogs  This one goes out to all my friends in the UK at this time. Stay dry, stay warm, and most of all stay near the kettle!Flickr


6. Dog Lover

Kublai Khan is credited with having the most dogs owned. He had 5,000 Mastiffs!

Steven Spielberg FactsShutterstock

5. Weird Laws

In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have carnal relations... unless they have a permit.


Creepiest Things Heard On Baby Monitors factsShutterstock

4. To Ancient Platonic Relationships

There are cave paintings in Spain dated around 10 000 B.C. displaying some of the earliest European images of dogs.  The first identifiable breed of dog appeared around 9000 B.C. Globally, dogs have lived with humans for over 14,000 years.

Dogs Facts Wikimedia Commons


3. Smell Your Feelings

Your dog can pick up on changes in your scent, which can help them determine changes in your mood. Dogs can smell your perspiration when you become nervous and can tell if you are sick by the changes in your scent the illness causes.

Kevin Spacey FactsShutterstock

2. Zorba The Great

Zorba was an English mastiff. He was the biggest dog ever documented, measuring 8 feet 3 inches from tip to tail, and weighing an amazing 343 pounds!

Dogs FactsFlickr

1. Smell You Later

A dog has a sense of smell that is 10,000 times stronger than a human being. Bloodhounds can pick up on scents that are over 300 hours old.

Dogs FactsFlickr

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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