Surprising Facts About Famous Scientists

"When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity." - Albert Einstein

These days the world's most innovative scientists don't really get as much attention as, say, the Kardashians. But maybe they should. Because real, profound genius often comes hand-in-hand with being absolutely bonkers. Seriously: the lives of some of the most famous scientists of all-time read like the biography of an insane circus clown. Besides, it’s famous scientists who got us where we are today. It's probably time we all learned a bit more about them. Here are some facts about history's brilliant (and often eccentric) scientists.

Famous Scientists Facts

1. Relative Politics

If you ask many people to think of someone smart, there's a pretty good chance their mind will immediately go to Albert Einstein. He's like the dictionary definition of intelligence.

Which is why it's so surprising that the man himself was pretty vocal about his own shortcomings. Case in point: shortly after Israel became a country, Einstein was offered the presidency... and turned it down. The reason? He said he no head for large problems.

Famous Scientists facts

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2. Omitted

Marie did much of her research with her husband, Pierre. When their work was submitted to the to the Nobel Prize committee, Marie’s name was never mentioned due to prevailing sexism at the time. Eventually, though, that wrong was amended.

Years later, Marie became the first woman to be recognized with the Nobel Prize.


3. Too Brilliant for His Shirt

Ben Franklin showed his neighbors his birthday suit 5.00am each morning while sitting near an open window writing. He claimed the air aroused his creativity.

Surprising Facts About Famous Scientists
