Rebellious Facts About Spartacus

Famous in modern culture for his many adaptations into film and television, most notably Kirk Douglas and his “I'm Spartacus!” line in the Stanley Kubrick film, the story of this slave leading a revolt has captivated us for over half a century.

Here are some facts to fill you in on who the man actually was, and help you separate fact from fiction.

Spartacus Facts

27. Nomadic Stock

Born around 111 BC, Spartacus was a Thracian, an Indo-European tribe on the outskirts of the Roman Empire, in Bulgaria. It is believed he was nomadic, but not much is known about his early history.

Spartacus Facts

Spartacus War of the Damned,Starz

26. In the Army

Spartacus was initially a member of the Roman army. He wasn’t really a fan of not being able to have his life in his own hands, so he fled the army in order to live life as a free man.

Some historians argue that Spartacus was actually a Roman auxiliary officer before escaping, which would mean that he originally volunteered service.

Spartacus Facts


25. Captured

Running away from any army, let alone the Roman army, is usually not a good idea. After going AWOL, Spartacus was captured and forced into slavery as punishment for his desertion. What did he think was going to happen?

Francis Barber Editorial
