Adventurous Facts About Marco Polo

"I did not write half of what I saw, for I knew I would not be believed" —Marco Polo

Born in 1254 in Venice, Italy, Marco Polo set out on a journey to Asia with his father and uncle, and later chronicled his experiences. His book The Travels of Marco Polo was an inspiration for travellers such as Christopher Columbus. Below are 25 adventurous facts about the man behind the myth.

Marco Polo Facts

25. Teenage Traveller

When Marco Polo left on his Asian trip to the court of Kublai Khan with his father and Uncle, he was only 17 years old. The trip was probably the first time he’d journeyed away from home.

Marco Polo facts

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24. Jail Bird

In 1298, three years after his return, Polo was made a gentleman commander of a Venitian ship. His ship was captured during a battle between with the Genoese, and he was taken as a prisoner of war.

Marco Polo facts


23. Ghostwriter

While in prison, Polo met Rustichello of Pisa. Rustichello was a famous romance writer, and Polo told his life story to Rustichello so he could write it down. When the two were released in 1299, Polo's name-making book was complete.

Marco Polo facts

Marco Polo (1982–1983), NBC