When American heiress Mary Curzon married the Viceroy of India, it was supposed to be a fairy tale—but it was really a horror story.
Walt Disney brought so much joy into this world—but the chilling darkness behind his magical persona is impossible to ignore.
Brian Wilson was the musical mastermind behind the Beach Boys—but, between the bars of his incredible songs, he is an equally brilliant and burdened man.
There’s a reason more than one person claimed Stevie Ray Vaughan reduced the stage to a pile of smoking cinders—his guitar didn’t just sing, it blazed.
Michael Schumacher is a Formula One legend. But beneath the trophies and triumphs was a racer willing to push himself (and the rules) to the limits—and beyond.
Layne Staley of Alice In Chains has been recognized by many sources as one of the most talented and unique voices of 90s grunge.