Extravagant Facts About Mohammad Reza, The Doomed Shah

Mohammad Reza, The Doomed Shah

Shah Mohammad Reza was born into scandal and uprising—and his life somehow only got more dramatic from there. Though he was “The King of Kings,” in Iran, his inner life was anything but exquisite.

From the bitter tragedies of his marriages to the utter disaster of his reign, Mohammad Reza has a dark history.

1. He Was Born Under A Good Sign

Mohammad Reza came into the world on October 26, 1919. Though he actually had a twin sister, Ashraf, his father Reza Khan was far more delighted in the prospect of a boy to carry on the manly family line.

He quickly anointed him his favorite son, and dubbed him a “bird of good omen". Guess what? This prediction would not come true.

mohammad reza

2. He Wasn’t Born To Rule

Although his birth was supposedly auspicious, it was missing one thing: The future Shah wasn’t even a prince. Papa Khan only became the ruler of Iran in 1925, and even then, only after a coup d’état.

As a result, the newly minted Iranian royal family were very insecure about their power…and this had big consequences for little Mohammad.

Mohammad Reza facts


3. His Father Was Terrifying

The old Shah was not winning Father of the Year any time soon; Mohammad Reza once called him “one of the most frightening men” he knew, and he demanded nothing less than perfection from his subjects.

A military man through and through, the Shah liked to “discipline” disobedient subordinates by giving them kicks to the groin.

It was only a matter of time before his notorious habits turned toward his son.

Mohammad Reza facts


4. His Family Punished Him

Bizarrely, Reza Khan thought that if fathers showed affection of any kind toward their sons, this would lead the heirs to have—wait for it—romantic desires for men later in life. And well, he couldn’t have that. To “help” Mohammad, then, the Shah often refused to even touch him. Thanks, Dad. But that wasn’t even the worst part.

Mohammad Reza facts
