Tragic Facts About Lisa Marie Presley, The Tormented Heiress

She was mostly known as the only child of Elvis Presley, but this wasn't always a good thing for Lisa Marie Presley. Her life went through many tumultuous twists and turns, just like the King of Rock and Roll...

but it was her shocking and tragic end that ultimately mirrored her father's story the most.

1. She Was Born Into Immense Wealth

On February 1, 1968, Lisa Marie Presley came into the world. Most people don’t know how it feels to grow up with immense wealth, even less can say that their father was a rock star. Lisa Marie could say both. Her parents were Elvis and Priscilla Presley. Even today, her father Elvis Presley still holds the record for the best-selling solo artist of all time.

Sadly, her father’s wealth and prestige didn’t necessarily have a beneficial effect on her upbringing.

2. She Was Extremely Spoiled

The rock star gave his daughter extraordinary gifts as she was growing up. Lisa Marie even received a fur coat, along with tons of jewelry as a child.

These gifts even caused her mother to complain, not out of envy—but out of worry for the child’s growth. However, these gestures paled in comparison to what her father did for her later on.

Lisa Marie Presley Facts

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3. She Could Have Had Anything She Wanted

Children often have unrealistic wishes. Living in Memphis, Tennessee, Lisa Marie never saw real snowfall. Her father went to extreme lengths to make up for that. They got on their recently purchased plane and went to Utah, so that she could play in the snow. This must have been an unforgettable memory for Lisa Marie. However, her life was not always to be as smooth as driven snow.

Lisa Marie Presley Facts

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4. Tragedy Struck Her Family Early

Everything may have appeared fine in the Presley household, but that was far from the truth. A huge rift separated her parents from each other. Unable to deal with each other, her parents divorced.

What’s especially heartbreaking is that she was only five years old at the time. However, a far greater heartbreak was coming for little Lisa Marie.

Lisa Marie Presley Facts

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