42 Spellbinding Facts about Ron Weasley

42 Spellbinding Facts about Ron Weasley

“I’m the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I’ve got a lot to live up to.” —Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

It’s always difficult to stand out in a large family. Often underappreciated but never forgettable, Harry Potter’s Ron Weasley was perhaps the most relatable and entertaining member of the central trio of Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione Granger, and always wore his heart on his second-hand sleeve. Here are some wizardly facts about one of the best friends a Boy Who Lived could ask for.

42. A Time of Turmoil

Ron was born March 1, 1980 to Arthur and Molly Weasley at the height of the First Wizarding War.

Ron Weasley facts

41. Full Name

His full name is Ronald Bilius Weasley.

Ron Weasley facts

40. Life in a Large Family

Ron has six siblings. He has five older brothers, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George, and one younger sister, Ginny.

Ron Weasley facts

39. Pure Bred

The Weasleys are a “pure-blood” family, meaning they have no muggles (non-magic) or muggle-borns in their family tree.

Ron Weasley facts

38. Enemies

The Weasleys are often labelled “blood traitors” by many pure-blood families, particularly the Malfoys, for sympathising with Muggles and being friendly with Muggle-borns.

Ron Weasley facts

37. The Burrow

Ron grew up in The Burrow, on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, England.  In 1997, the Burrow became the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix after the death of Albus Dumbledore.

Ron Weasley facts

36. Chance Encounter

Ron’s first mention comes in Chapter 6 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, when Mrs. Weasley is telling Harry how to reach Platform Nine and Three Quarters: “All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten…Best do it at a bit of a run if you’re nervous. Go on, go now before Ron.”

Ron Weasley facts

35. Great Expectations?

When Ron says he’s got a lot to live up to, a quick look at some of his older brothers’ achievements prove he’s really not exaggerating: Bill was Head Boy during his time at Hogwarts, Charlie was the captain of the Quidditch team, and Percy was just made a Prefect in Ron’s first year. While twins Fred and George could never boast the same kind of prestige (and would never want to), everyone finds them hilarious, and their grades are generally decent.

Ron Weasley facts

34. Second-Hand Everything

Being the second youngest in a large family of high achievers hasn’t just left Ron with general sense of inadequacy, it’s also left him with a lot of hand-me-downs. As he tells Harry in Philosopher’s Stone: “You never get anything new, either, with five brothers. I’ve got Bill’s old robes, Charlie’s old wand and Percy’s old rat.”

Ron Weasley facts

33. Go Cannons!

Ron is passionate about quidditch (a competitive magical sport played on broomsticks), and is an avid supporter of the Chudley Cannons.

Ron Weasley facts

32. Deepest Desire

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry and Ron discover the Mirror of Erised, which shows them each what they most desire. While Harry sees himself with his mother and father, Ron sees himself standing alone as Head Boy and Quidditch captain. More than anything else, what Ron desires self-determination: to be seen as his own person, and not defined by what people know of his family.

Ron Weasley facts

31. Prefection

And what do you know? Ron continued to do his family proud, making Prefect in fifth year.

Ron Weasley facts

30. Keeper Without Confidence

Ron tries out to be the Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and succeeds. Ron is reasonably good in the position, but a lack of confidence often led to an inconsistent performance.

Ron Weasley facts

29. Who Needs Luck?

Lack of confidence and self-belief are things Ron has always struggled with. Harry tried to circumvent this leading up to a big Quidditch game in their Sixth year. Harry pretends to slip some Felix Felicis (also called “Liquid Luck”) into Ron's morning pumpkin juice, giving Ron the desired placebo effect to keep his nerves at bay; Ron’s ensuing performance is flawless.

Ron Weasley facts

28. The Right Broom for the Job

Ron’s broom as Keeper was a Cleansweep Eleven, which he received as a present from his parents for becoming a Prefect.

Ron Weasley facts

27. “As for me, I’ll be a knight”

Ron is a very skilled chess player: His prowess allows the trio to pass one of the obstacles protecting the Philosopher’s Stone during the life-sized game in first year, which prompts Dumbledore to award Gryffindor 50 points and proclaim it "the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years.”

Ron Weasley facts

26. Arachnophobe

Ron suffers from crippling arachnophobia, which was sparked by Fred and George transfiguring his teddy bear into a giant spider as a child.

Ron Weasley facts

25. Cute but Fierce

Ron’s patronus (a spell which produces a silver guardian animal) is a Jack Russell terrier.

Ron Weasley facts

24. Sentimental Patronus

J.K. Rowling has described Ron’s Patronus as a "really sentimental choice" on her part, as she herself has a Jack Russell.

Ron Weasley facts

23. Huge Appetite

Ron is a voracious eater, claiming at one point in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire that he “could eat a Hippogriff”.

Ron Weasley facts

22. A Man of Fine Taste

Ron's least favourite sandwich type is corned beef, and his favourite is bacon.

Ron Weasley facts

21. From Beginning to End

Ron is portrayed by British actor Rupert Grint in all eight film adaptations, and is one of only 14 characters to appear in every film.

Ron Weasley facts

20. The Cursed Child

In the original West End production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Ron is portrayed by British actor Paul Thornley.

Ron Weasley facts

19. Disguised

There were a few other actors who enjoyed a very brief stint as Ron throughout the film series: Jamie Waylett plays him when he is disguised as Vincent Crabbe in Chamber of Secrets, as does Steffan Rhodri when he is disguised as Reginald Cattermole in Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Daniel Radcliffe also plays Ron in the "Seven Potters" scene in the same movie. Grint still provided the voice for the character each time.

Ron Weasley facts

18. Second is the Best

Ron was the second friend Harry ever made, the first being Hagrid.

Ron Weasley facts

17. Chocolate Frog Fiend

Ron is an avid chocolate frog card collector; he has about 500 cards.

Ron Weasley facts

16. Scabbers

Ron had a pet rat named Scabbers whom he inherited from Percy. In his third year, the rat is revealed to be Peter Pettigrew, a traitor to all wizard-kind who was long believed to be dead.

Ron Weasley facts

15. He’s Not the Only One

Rowling has said that her Boggart would be spider, like Ron’s.

Ron Weasley facts

14. You Know Who

Ron does not like to hear Voldemort's name spoken out loud throughout most of the series, and as such never says it even when Harry and Hermione do. However, Ron says the name three times in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Ron Weasley facts

13. Bad Case of the Cinderellas

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron is shocked to learn that Harry and Hermione had never heard of the children's stories by Beedle the Bard, which he had grown up with. Hermione reminds him that she and Harry were raised by muggles and tells him that they had grown up with fairy tales like "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" and "Cinderella." Ron thought that “Cinderella” was an illness.

Ron Weasley facts

12. Family Feud

Ron is actually distantly related to Draco Malfoy; his paternal grandmother was a Black, and the Blacks are related to the Malfoys through Narcissa, Draco’s mother. Ron and Draco are third cousins, but it is unknown if they’re aware of this.

Ron Weasley facts

11. Every Christmas...

Ron isn't fond of the color maroon, which we learn when he receives his Christmas jumper from his mother.

Ron Weasley facts

10. The Deluminator

This gift is a little cooler: Ron inherited a Deluminator from Albus Dumbledore after Dumbledore’s death, which is a device used to remove light sources from immediate surroundings, as well as bestow light. It looks like an ornate silver cigarette lighter.

Ron Weasley facts

9. Wand Trouble

Ron’s first wand was a hand-me-down from his brother Charlie. It was a chipped, twelve inch, ash wood and unicorn hair wand, and it caused him some trouble. After nearly breaking it in half at the start of his second year, he held it together with Spellotape but it always malfunctioned terribly and eventually exploded. Before his third year, he received a new wand: Fourteen inch, willow and unicorn hair.

Ron Weasley facts

8. Pigwidgeon

Ron received his first pet owl, Pigwidgeon, from Sirius Black in 1994. Harry described it as resembling a “fluffy snitch.” Although Ron berates the owl in public, he is actually quite fond of it.

Ron Weasley facts

7. Krum

Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum is one of Ron’s heroes, though Ron becomes intensely jealous of him once Krum asks Hermione to the Yule Ball in Goblet of Fire.

Ron Weasley facts

6. Perfect For Each Other

Rowling has stated that Ron and Hermione are drawn to each other because they balance each other out. She says, “Hermione’s got the sensitivity and maturity that’s been left out of Ron, and Ron loosens up Hermione a bit, gets her to have some fun.”

Ron Weasley facts

5. A Family of His Own

Ron has two children with Hermione after the Second Wizarding War, Rose and Hugo.

Ron Weasley facts

4. Nieces and Nephews

Ron’s extended family also grew after the war: Bill and Fleur Delacour had three children: Victoire, Dominique, and Louis. George and Angelina Johnson had two children: a son named Fred (after Ron's older brother) and a daughter named Roxanne. Percy and his wife Audrey had two daughters: Molly (after Ron's mother) and Lucy. Ginny and Harry also had three children together: Albus, Lily, and James (to whom Ron is godfather).

Ron Weasley facts

3. Happily Ever After?

Most fans were thrilled with the happily-ever-after ending where Ron and Hermione married and grew a family, but most people don't realize that their union wasn't something J. K. Rowling believes wholeheartedly in, at least not in hindsight. Initially, Rowling had very different plans for Ron: she was "seriously considering" killing him off. Even though Ron survived, Rowling has second thoughts about their union. In an interview that set the internet ablaze in 2014, Rowling said, "I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron. I know, I'm sorry, I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I'm absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people's hearts by saying this? I hope not."

She then went on to discuss how Harry and Hermione may have been a better fit, stating that, "In some ways Hermione and Harry are a better fit and I'll tell you something very strange. When I wrote Hallows, I felt this quite strongly when I had Hermione and Harry together in the tent! I hadn't told [Steve] Kloves that and when he wrote the script he felt exactly the same thing at exactly the same point."

For those that wish for the happily-ever-after life for two of the story's heroes, Rowling did leave us with this: "Oh, maybe she and Ron will be alright with a bit of counseling, you know. I wonder what happens at wizard marriage counseling? They'll probably be fine. He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a little less critical."

Ron Weasley facts

2. All Over the Place

Ron is mentioned a total of 5,809 times in all seven books.

Ron Weasley facts

1. Things Might Have Been So Much Darker

Fans often feared the possible death of Ron, yet in 2000, Rowling seemed to dismiss these fears, stating, "As if I'm going to kill Harry's best friend." However, Daniel Radcliffe interviewed Rowling for a special feature on the combo pack Blu-ray edition Deathly Hallows: Part 2, and Rowling stated that at one time she had considered killing one of three members of the trio, specifically Ron. She noted that she wasn't in a great place in her life at the time, and luckily for all of us, things didn’t go down that road.

Ron Weasley facts

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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