19 Things That Make You Seem Older Than You Are

Showing Your Age

Does your appearance give away your age? Well, not always. Sometimes it's your actions and habits that give you away. These are the 19 things that might make you seem older than you actually are.

Gray Hair

Going gray is a natural part of aging, and there's something so beautiful about embracing it. However, when it comes to societal beauty standards, there's no denying that people will think you're older if you're sporting a few gray hairs.

If you want others to perceive you as younger, then you may consider dying your hair.

Woman in black sweater and Gray Hair

cottonbro studio, Pexels

Heavy Makeup

Using makeup can make you look younger, but heavy makeup might have the opposite effect. No matter your age, caking on foundation can age you drastically. You might think you're covering up wrinkles, but too much makeup makes them stand out more dramatically.

Beautiful woman with makeup and cornrows

Ali Pazani, Pexels

Wearing Old Fashion Trends

The younger generations will always have a better grasp on the coolest trends. If you haven't changed your style in decades, there's a good chance somebody will be able to guess your age just by looking at you.

For instance, if you're still wearing skinny jeans, you're likely a millennial who grew up in the 2000s.

Incorporating some timeless pieces into your wardrobe might make your age more difficult to place.

Girl in skinny jeans and blue shirt

Cozy Home, Shutterstock

Leading A Sedentary Lifestyle

As we get older, we tend to slow down. On weekends, we prefer to rest instead of being constantly active. Young people seem to have inexhaustible energy—they can go to school, work, and balance their social lives without burning out as quickly. However, if you want to hold on to your youth, staying active is key

Make physical activity or daily walks a priority, and it will benefit your overall well-being.

Exercise Running Fitness Physical Activity

home thods, Flickr