September 18, 2017 | Rachel Seigel

49 Unusual Facts About Kevin Spacey

bathe"I don't categorize characters into one syllable. These are fully-rounded characters that I don't judge; I just play them." -- Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey is an American actor who is acclaimed for his work on stage and screen. He first gained critical acclaim for his role in the 1990’s film The Usual Suspects, and now he stars in the Netflix political drama House of Cards. Below are 50 unusual facts about this talented actor.

49. The Little Hellion

When Kevin Spacey was younger, he burnt down his sister’s tree-house. This led his parents to send him to military school.

Kevin Spacey facts

48. Get Out!

Spacey attended military school for grades 10 and 11, but he was expelled after hitting a classmate with a tire.

Kevin Spacey facts

47. The Studious One

After military school, Kevin Spacey attended Chatsworth High School in Los Angeles where he was selected class valedictorian.

Kevin Spacey facts

46. The Sound of Spacey

Kevin Spacey played Captain von Trapp in his high school’s production of The Sound of Music. In 1996, when he was nominated for his first Oscar, his co-star from the show, Mare Winningham, sent him a telegram that read, “Captain von Trapp - congratulations on your nomination."

Kevin Spacey facts

Captain von Trapp

45. A Ringing Rejection

In the late 1970s, Kevin Spacey unsuccessfully auditioned for The Gong Show. In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, he revealed that he was “pre-gonged” for his Johnny Carson impression.

Kevin Spacey facts

44. He Does a Mean Jimmy Stewart

At one point in his career, Kevin Spacey wanted to be a stand-up comedian, and worked on celebrity impressions to try out on the amateur comedy-club circuit. His impression of Jimmy Stewart is so good that it brought Carol Burnett to tears when they both appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Kevin Spacey facts

43. Early Career Advice

Val Kilmer and Kevin Spacey were classmates at Chatsworth, and Val Kilmer advised Spacey to drop out of college and follow in his footsteps to attend Julliard’s drama program in New York.

Kevin Spacey facts

42. It’s a Family Name

Spacey is Kevin’s middle name, and his mother’s maiden name. It’s not a truncated version of Spencer Tracey as some people suspected. His full name is Kevin Spacey Fowler.

Kevin Spacey facts

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

41. Man of Mystery

Kevin Spacey is known for keeping his private life private. He told the London Evening Standard: “The less you know about me, the easier it is to convince you that I am that character on screen. It allows an audience to come into a movie theater and believe I am that person.”

Kevin Spacey facts

40. British is Better

Kevin Spacey lives in London, England and once confessed that he’d really like to become a British Citizen. In 2010, Prince Charles named him an honorary Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his acting work.

Kevin Spacey facts

39. A Presidential Pal

Bill Clinton has been one of Kevin Spacey’s friends since before he was president. Spacey once called him “one of the shining lights” of the political process.”

Kevin Spacey facts

38. Helping Actors Succeed

Kevin Spacey set up the Kevin Spacey foundation in 2010, first in the U.K., and then in the U.S. three years later. The goal of the foundation is to help budding actors succeed through scholarships, workshops and education.

Kevin Spacey facts

37. Star-Packed Selfie

Kevin Spacey was one of the celebs captured in Ellen DeGeneres’s legendary star-packed Oscars selfie in 2014. Spacey literally climbed over John Travolta and pushed away other famous celebs to photobomb the picture. He later told Ellen on her talk show: “In the last year I've got into the whole photobomb. I've understood it.”

Kevin Spacey facts

36. Check Out My Work!

Kevin Spacey is a big fan of Woody Allen, and after House of Cards was released, he sent the director a note and a Netflix gift subscription telling him to check out his work. Woody Allen wrote back and promised to consider Spacey for a role in one of his films.

Kevin Spacey facts

35. That’s a Lot of Movies

As of 2017, Kevin Spacey has appeared in 60+ movies. In his latest film Baby Driver, he stars as Doc--a mastermind heist planner. He’s also starring in the Ridley Scott project titled All the Money in the World--a crime drama based on the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III, and it opens on December 8, 2017.

Kevin Spacey facts

34. Mini

Kevin Spacey’s terrier mix is named Mini after his Mini Cooper car. In 2013 after the Marathon bombings, he also rescued a dog and named her Boston in honor of the city.

Kevin Spacey facts

33. Twice Charmed

Kevin Spacey has won two Oscars in his career. The first was for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for The Usual Suspects in 1996, and the second in 2000 for Best Actor in American Beauty.

Kevin Spacey facts

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

32. The Beady-eyed Villain

Early in his career, Kevin Spacey was deemed more of a “character actor” than a leading man, but his turn as villain Mel Profitt on the TV show “Wiseguy” in 1987 garnered him some serious attention.

Kevin Spacey facts

31.Master Manipulator

After Wiseguy, Kevin Spacey went on to play several dark and manipulative characters that would make him famous. He played the sinister office manager in Glengarry Glen Ross, a sadistic Hollywood excutive in Swimming with the Sharks, and the smooth-talking eyewitness Verbal Kint in The Usual Suspects.

Kevin Spacey facts

30. Anxious to Work

Anxious to start working, Kevin Spacey quit Julliard after two years and signed up with the New York Shakespeare Festival. His first appearance on stage was as a messenger in a production of Henry IV.

Kevin Spacey facts

29. Welcome to the Real World of Theater

The year after his theater debut, the festival director steered Spacey out into the "real world" of theater. He made his broadway debut in Ibsen’s Ghosts, and worked with Jack Lemmon on a production of Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into the Night.

Kevin Spacey facts

28. A Future Mentor

Kevin Spacey first met Jack Lemmon as a 13-year-old acting student at a summer workshop. From then on, Lemmon became his mentor, and the two remained close friends until his death in 2001. Spacey dedicated his 1999 Oscar to Jack Lemmon, and has often said that he based his performance on Lemmon’s character in The Apartment.

Kevin Spacey facts

27. A Dozen Roses for the Grande Dame

When he was younger, Kevin Spacey would regularly attend the theater, and he once waited for Katharine Hepburn at the stage door to present her with a dozen roses. This began a correspondence that lasted for several years.

Kevin Spacey facts

26. A High-Ranking Villain

Kevin Spacey’s performance in The Usual Suspects earned him the 48th spot on the American Film Institute’s top 100 villains list.

Kevin Spacey facts

25. Who’s That  on His Arm?

Kevin Spacey’s date for the 1996 Oscars was his mom. His mother was also his date for several other awards shows, and in one of his acceptance speeches he said, “And Mother, I don't care what they say about bringing you to awards shows, I will always bring you to awards shows 'cause I'm proud of you and I love you.”

Kevin Spacey facts

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

24. Injured in a Chase

In April 2004, Kevin Spacey had his cell phone stolen by a youth claiming to need it to call their mother. He sustained a minor head injury when he tripped and fell over his dog while attempting to run after the thief.

Kevin Spacey facts

23. That’s it!

After seeing a production of Sherlock Holmes in London, Kevin Spacey was so inspired that he decided right then and there to make his career in acting.

Kevin Spacey facts

22. Runs in the Family

Kevin Spacey isn’t the only one in his family who’s good at impersonations. His brother Randall Fowler makes a living as a Rod Stewart impersonator in Idaho.

Kevin Spacey facts

21. Not Tough at All!

Kevin Spacey seriously objects to actors who talk about how "tough" their jobs are. He considers his job a joy, and has said that he wants to hit the next actor he hears saying "I had to prepare physically for the role."

Kevin Spacey facts

20. Playing a President is Enough

When asked in an interview if he would ever consider running for president in real life, Kevin Spacey said, “Fundamentally, I like to accomplish things. I would find politics very frustrating for that reason and like Frank Underwood I would probably end up killing a lot of people.”

Kevin Spacey facts

19. He’s Just a Playwright

Kevin Spacey’s advice for teaching kids Shakespeare is to approach the plays from a perspective of how two people deal with each other. He says that he’s personally seen teenagers get excited about how relevant the plays are to their own lives, and advises people not to put Shakespeare on a pedestal because “he’s just a playwright.”

Kevin Spacey facts

18. High on Potassium

For a scene in the movie K-Pax, Spacey takes a bite out of a banana with the skin still on. By the final cut, he’d eaten 17 bananas and jokes that he was on a potassium high for a day and a half afterwards.

Kevin Spacey facts

17. Starstruck!

Kevin Spacey admits to being a little bit starstruck when he had the opportunity to meet Jimmy Stewart for the first time. He said to the actor, “You're one of the greatest actors ever ... You’re probably sick of hearing that.” Stewart’s response? “I’m not sick of hearing it. Say it again!”

Kevin Spacey facts

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

16. NY State of Outta My Mind.

In April 2017, Kevin Spacey made a surprise appearance at one of Billy Joel’s concerts at Madison Square Gardens. They performed a duet of Joel’s hit song New York State of Mind, and later tweeted a Selife with Joel, saying that the experience made him “NY State Outta My Mind”.

Kevin Spacey facts

15. But I Wasn’t Even in That!

One of Kevin Spacey’s favorite things is being congratulated for movies he wasn’t even in. Once someone told him that he was so good in Reservoir Dogs, which left the actor wondering who he was supposed to be.

Reservoir Dogs Facts

14. Deadshot

The voice and personality of DC villain Deadshot in Justice League was inspired by Kevin Spacey. Coincidentally, Spacey got his own chance to play a D.C. villain when he starred as Superman’s nemesis Lex Luthor in Superman Returns.

Kevin Spacey facts

13. A Small Sum

For his performance in the play The Iceman Cometh Spacey was paid a whopping 225 pounds per week. The role did earn Spacey other rewards, including an Olivier Award and a London Critics Circle Theatre Award. He was also nominated for a Tony when he took the role to Broadway.

Kevin Spacey facts

12. Trigger Street

Kevin Spacey owns a production company called Trigger Street. The name is taken from a real street in the San Fernando Valley.

Kevin Spacey facts

11. The Sleazy Businessman

Kevin Spacey’s role in the movie Working Girl was small, but memorable. In it he played a sleazy businessman whom Melanie Griffith’s character is tricked into dating by her lecherous boss.

Kevin Spacey facts

10. Directorial Debut

Spacey’s directorial debut was a New Orleans-based crime drama called Albino Alligator. The film made only a minor splash at the box office, but won some positive reviews.

Kevin Spacey facts

9. Shoe Salesman Makes Good

After dropping out of Julliard, Kevin Spacey briefly worked as a shoe salesman to help make ends meet.

Kevin Spacey facts

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

8. Research for a Role

To prepare for his role as Bobby Darin in the 2004 film Beyond the Sea, Kevin Spacey watched several of Canadian singer Michael Buble’s performances.

Kevin Spacey facts

7.  Swear Off

When Kevin Spacey appeared as a guest on the Gordon Ramsey hosted TV show The F Word, he and Gordon Ramsey engaged in an epic swear-off. By the end of the show Ramsey conceded defeat, admitting “I think I've been out f****d.”

Kevin Spacey facts

6. Thank you Kevin Spacey!

The band Matchbox 20 thanked Kevin Spacey in the liner notes for their debut album Yourself or Someone Like You.  Rob Thomas said that it was because he watched several Spacey films while he was writing some of the songs on the album.

Kevin Spacey facts

5. A Prison Visit

Prior to portraying Jack Abramoff in the film Casino Jack, Kevin Spacey visited the disgraced lobbyist in prison.

Kevin Spacey facts

4. Many Idols

Kevin Spacey credits several idols whom he believes helped shape him as an actor. Among them are Henry Fonda, Al Pacino and Jack Lemmon.

Kevin Spacey facts

3. Private Man

When Kevin was asked about his sexuality, he said a few things that had the gay community divided. Interviewer Kevin Sessums asked him, "We gay men have always proudly claimed you as a member of our tribe, and yet you don't proudly claim us back. Why?"

Kevin responded with, "Look, I might have lived in England for the last several years, but I'm still an American citizen and I have not given up my right to privacy." The Oscar-winning actor later said that "I don't live a lie. You have to understand that people who choose not to discuss their personal lives are not living a lie. That is a presumption that people jump to."

Kevin Spacey facts

2. That Was no Prop

There is a scene in American Beauty where Kevin Spacey’s character gets high with a high school student. According to director Sam Mendes, the pot used to film the scene was real, and Spacey actually got high.

Kevin Spacey facts

1. Not Their First Choice

Kevin Spacey was reportedly the 15th choice to host the 2017 Tony Awards. He was also the 2nd choice for his Oscar-winning role in The Usual Suspects, and the fourth choice for American Beauty (for which he also won an Oscar). He joked in an interview: “Maybe I can get shortlisted to host the Oscars if everyone else turns it down.”

Kevin Spacey facts

Sources:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

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