Mind. Blown. These Wild Coincidences Seem Too Impossible To Be True
The Redditors below came together to share the most amazing coincidences that they’ve ever experienced. From unlikely run-ins to impossible luck, these stories are almost too incredible to believe.
We’ve all experienced these moments, so now it’s time to reflect and realize we’re living in a much stranger world than we can even imagine. Here are 50 real-life stories about utterly unbelievable coincidences.
1. Samesies
I met a guy at my staff Christmas party with the same name, birth date, and was in the same career. We met through our girlfriends at the time, both named Jennifer. We shared many of the same physical features. Same colored hair and build.
I still google him from time to time to see if he has passed on yet. If he expires first...I win.
2. Luckiest Santa
My old work ran a secret Santa once, the week before Christmas. It was a $10 limit and the person I was buying for I didn't know very well. I left my buying to the last minute because I just didn't know what to get her. So I was in town and walking past some shops when lo and behold, I see an old copy of Oliver Twist in the window of the second-hand book store.
It just called to me, so I went in and picked it up. I checked the first page for the cost and guess what? $10—perfect. So come the day of the secret Santa, we were all opening our gifts, some 150 people. I never, in a million years, expected what happened next. Out of the corner of my eye, I see some people crowding around a woman who is crying. I keep listening and people are calling out for the person who was her Santa.
I go over and reveal that it was me. The lady I had bought for was crying and hugged me. She said 10 years ago her house burned down along with all her of possessions.
The book that I bought her was her favorite and also the exact same edition, so it had the exact same cover she remembered.
Because it was a second-hand book it was even weathered in the same places she remembered, so it was as if I'd grabbed the book off her shelf before the fire and delivered it to her 10 years later.
3. Photographic Memory
I took a job in a somewhat remote area of northeast China about 20 years ago. I had two roommates (one American and one Canadian) and we were part of just a handful of foreigners out of about two million Chinese in that area.
Fast forward 10 years and I'm back in the USA. I was dating a girl who was going on a girls' trip to Mexico.
She and her girlfriends went out to a bar and got to talking with another group of people. One of the guys there started showing photos from his travels and lo and behold—there I am.
He was my roommate from China a decade before and while chatting with these girls decided to share the pictures of his travels.
After a few of those "prove that you know him" questions they both flipped out. Small world.
4. The Man in the Phone
I picked up the house phone to call a friend and he was already on the line. He had called me and I had picked up the receiver just before it had a chance to ring. Blew my freaking mind.