These Toxic Families Destroyed Relationships

Falling in love is one of the greatest things in the world. Sadly, it is then usually followed by one of the worst experiences in the world...introducing your new love to your insane, or embarrassing, or toxic family, or vice versa. Which is worse—being the one with the terrible family, or having to meet one? Read these jaw-dropping stories before you decide.  

1. Run White Boy, Run

A girl I had been on a few dates with had invited me back to her place. Score, right? Well, when we got there, I realized she had failed to mention one huge thing: her entire family lived there. I was introduced to her mother, father, and siblings at midnight when we got back to her place. The thing is, it got so much worse than this.

She told them, "We're going to my room to sleep together" and her dad said, "You brought protection, right man?" I kind of nodded in a daze. So we went back there and did the deed. To be honest, she was actually amazing.

Afterward, I got anxious thinking about having to do the "walk of shame" as I passed her family on the way out, so to avoid all of that, I tried to duck out at 3 am.

Her dad was still in the kitchen, eating tamales. He asked me to sit down and I was like, “Oh God,” but then he served me up a delicious tamale—and told me the whole truth. He said that his daughter liked to hurt men like me and that if I had any sense, I would keep the memory of the night close and never speak to her again.

I thought it was just her dad who didn't approve at first, but then her brother came in and said, "You need to run white boy, my sister is crazy." I nodded sagely but I didn't end up taking their advice. I really, really should have.

The relationship lasted about a month and ended with my car windows being destroyed by her during the middle of the night.


Nightmare Families


2. Queen Of The Family

Well, there were a lot of reasons why I ultimately broke up with this guy named Tom, but his family was definitely one of them. The cast of characters included the mom, dad, brother, and sister. The mom was great—she was a total salt-of-the-earth type and a lovely lady. The rother was great too, though kind of distant from the rest of the family. I figured out why quickly.

His father was the biggest piece of trash I ever had the misfortune of meeting. He treated his wife like garbage for no reason. She was a lovely woman, well put-together, an excellent cook, and had a full-time job...

yet, he just looked at her like she was gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe. He hated Tom just as much; again, for reasons that I could never figure out.

My boyfriend was a DOCTOR—so educated and successful—and because he was in medical school until his late 20s, he wasn't married. He concentrated on his education instead. However, to his father, something was "wrong"

with his son because he wasn't married. He would hassle him about it all the time. He’d tell him he was "a homo" (his words, not mine) and how he had "no life" and he needed "to get it together."

Then there was Tom's sister, Julie, the queen of the family who could do no wrong. As far as the father was concerned, the sister walked on water. Everything was about her—piano lessons, pageants, private schools, etc.

She grew up being a spoiled little princess and also acted the part. For example, my brother and his wife were in a very serious car accident while on vacation.

They were vacationing where Julie lived, which was a six-hour flight from where the rest of us did.

They were hospitalized for their extensive injuries, and their luggage ended up at the rental lot where the car was towed after the accident. This lot was about a 10-minute drive from Julie's house.

We asked Julie to go pick up the luggage and made arrangements with the rental company so she could just go in and grab them quickly.

My brother needed his extra glasses (his glasses were destroyed in the crash and he can't see without them) and my sister-in-law needed some stuff out of her luggage, too.

Julie said she'd do it "if she had time" but she was "really busy." It didn't matter that my brother and sister-and-law nearly PERISHED in a car crash. It was all about Julie and her busy, important life. Eventually, she did go pick up the luggage, but I later found out the disturbing truth. It was because her mom called and screamed at her basically for being a selfish witch.

She got the luggage, but not happily. It spoke to her character, and not in a good way. There were other issues that ultimately ended the relationship, but his family certainly didn't help matters.


Nightmare Families


3. A Little Too Close For Comfort

My best friend left her husband after five years because of his mother. She was insane, but it was really the spineless husband who refused to stand up to his mom.

This is the crazy stuff she did: She threw a tantrum because she didn’t like the wedding invitations. Like, she ripped up 50 invites and they had to order more.

She also told my friend that she looked pregnant in her wedding dress. Then, when the bride was walking down the aisle, she got up to change seats and blocked the groom’s view, only moving out of the way at the last minute when it was too late.

Throughout the wedding, she was hanging all over her son and openly pouted when he wanted to dance with his own wife.

She took wine bottles after the wedding and bragged about it, even when she didn't pay for anything except the flowers.

She interrupted their wedding night by banging on the door and telling them she wanted to spend more time with them…He then ACTUALLY left to go hang out with his mom on the night of the wedding, while the bride stayed in bed, mad.

She tried to move into their home right after they got married and that caused a fight. She ended up not moving in luckily, but she still had a spare key to their house for emergencies.

She used the key to walk into their house unannounced whenever she wanted. Finally, she constantly accused my friend of cheating because she worked late.

There were a ton of other reasons that built up over the years and he always deflected. She finally had enough and left.


Nightmare Families


4. A Long Way Down

It was my ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law who were the main problems. He allowed himself to get sucked in by her and excused her for the dozen major offenses she committed that resulted in our divorce.

I was so distraught by her that I even straight-up told her, “When we have kids, you will not be in their lives,” just to get her to understand how serious her bad behavior was.

She purchased him a plane ticket home when I really needed his support most—that was the catalyst for the divorce and the final straw. No one told me or discussed it with me.

I found out when my aunt asked me if I was taking my husband to the airport that weekend...She showed me the message where, aside from the whole ticket thing, his mother told my aunt to “control me.”

I cried on my way to work and told my boss I needed a short shift so I could drop off my husband, who was basically leaving me. He offered me the day off, but work was a needed distraction.

Besides that, my mother-in-law took the car keys when I visited once and left me no car to drive for that weekend. Controlling much?

She once told me that the only reason my ex-husband was interested in me was that I had big breasts. I heard her. At the time, I was young and had given her no real reason to dislike me. It was hurtful. I cried.

My husband held me, and back then before we went downhill, he marched upstairs and demanded that she apologize to me.

When he left on that plane ride, I told him I would be serving him divorce papers. Everyone freaked out and she sent me a big, dumb Facebook message making excuses. I sent her one back firmly, but not rudely, addressing all her points.

I told her he was now her problem, just like she always wanted. Months later, she replied and apologized while taking some responsibility.

I only know that because I read it two years later when I knew I wouldn’t be as angry. Besides that, my former sister-in-law bailed on my wedding the DAY BEFORE without telling me and that started a whole other issue.

Her girls were meant to be my flower girls, so it felt like a slap in the face. She wouldn’t talk to me for a couple of years, even to ask for recipes. It was petty.

Oddly enough, we are on good terms now and I think we could still be friends. She tells me the lies he tells his mom to make me look bad. He really spiraled, and I still hope he can get it together at some point in his life.

Today, most of them think I’m sleeping around the entire city. I have a stable job, I fly planes, I have amazing friends and a new loving relationship.

I travel, climb mountains, and have generally built the life we were supposed to have on my own.

On the other hand, he fell into depression, his mother pays his rent, and apparently, they get into fights because she won't pay for him to move across the country.


Nightmare Families
