"What's The Worst Thing You've Ever Done?"

We all try our best to be good people. But sometimes, it seems like the devil on our shoulder takes over. Maybe someone deserves to be treated badly...or maybe they don’t.

Either way, the Reddit users below have done some pretty bad things to others. Can you outdo them? Keep reading to find out.

1. No More Cookies For You!

We had a guy in our dorm who would come into our room and eat the snacks we had lying around without asking. He was kind of a jerk and we'd had enough of him, so we came up with an ingenious plan for revenge.

We baked cookies with laxative chocolates and just left them out. Sure enough, he ate nearly the whole plate. He spent almost the whole rest of the day in the washroom and almost took himself to the hospital.

Eventually, he found out because everyone on our floor knew what we had done, and word got back to him.

He tried to take a swing at me at a party the next weekend, and immediately got swarmed by five guys, and thrown out of the party. He didn't eat our cookies after that.


The Worst Things People Have Ever Done


2. Can’t Take The Heat

In my biology class, there was a girl who would always take some of my food. A good friend got a hold of ghost pepper peanuts one day, so I filled a Ziplock bag with them and left them on my desk as an easy target.

I was at the back of the room when I heard a squeak and then saw the same girl fly out of the room, only to return 10 minutes later covered in water. No shame.


The Worst Things People Have Ever Done


3. Who’s That Girl?

There was this guy who was such a jerk to my ex-girlfriend. So, I got his number and started texting him, acting like a girl who I knew that he knew. Then I took things up a notch. I started getting him worked up at three in the morning. I told him to come over and gave him an address that belonged to a big, angry dude. He was sending me texts about how he was at the front door.

So, I told him to go to the back door and to let himself in. He kept sending me texts asking where I was and when I was coming out to let him in. I must have strung him along for 30 minutes before he just stopped texting me back.

I have no idea what happened, if anything. But, I still feel bad about it now.


The Worst Things People Have Ever Done


4. Sinking To New Lows

My friend lived on a man-made lake. A lot of people had pontoons and one pretentious jerk had a sailboat.

He would put on his sailing gear and sail around this little lake with his binoculars to scope out people's backyards for HOA violations and report them. My friend's dad got in trouble for having a dock that stuck out a foot too far into the lake.

So, one night in high school, my buddies and I got suited up in wetsuits. We made the midnight swim on a new moon out to the other side of the lake with a hand auger in tow.

We silently drilled a hole in the jerk’s sailboat and shoved a rubber plug in it. Now, attached to this plug was a length of cord and a cinder block we set about 20 feet away.

The sailboat sat for a few days as if nothing happened. Then, one fateful morning, the jerk pulled out of port, thus releasing the plug. The boat was taking in water. About 200 yards down the "coast,"

the boat came to her final resting place, with only the mast sticking out of the water. A few days later, she was gone and his reign of terror ended.


The Worst Things People Have Ever Done
