Terrified People Reveal Their Creepiest Experiences

Ghostly apparitions. Glitches in the matrix. Extraterrestrial visitations. Call them whatever, these are the creepiest and most inexplicable experiences from all over the internet. Some of these unsettling experiences are harmless—even benevolent.

But others were lucky to escape with their lives. Or did they?

1. Pub Pals

A few years ago, I was at my lowest point in life. Several people close to me had passed away unexpectedly and my co-workers bullied me every day at my job. Basically, my life was falling apart.

I was past being depressed—I just couldn't imagine waking up another day. So, I'd planned to end my life. I bought a one-way plane ticket, got sleeping pills, and wrote a series of notes.

On the day I was to fly out to fulfill my “plan”, there was a terrible accident on the freeway to the airport. It was shut down in both directions. So, I drove into a nearby pub to wait out the traffic.

The second I sat down on the patio with my drink, a gentleman asked if he could sit with me. Whatever, I thought, sure, who cares.

He began to talk—and I felt my blood run cold. He told me that whatever I was doing next was a terrible idea and I would regret it. I didn’t know what to think. Who was this guy? Why was he talking to me like this? But I listened anyway. He said that he sensed I was in pain, but that I had an incredible life ahead of me, and that this was not the way my story was supposed to end.

Again, I'd never met this guy in my life, and hadn't mentioned a word to him about my “plan.” He asked me to hand him my keys and my wallet, and he'd give them back to me after I talked and he listened. I poured my heart out to this random guy.

Told him all my traumas and pains in life. I told him my whole terrible plan.

I told him why I had gotten that one-way ticket to the cemetery across the country where I had buried my family. He just listened. And then he pulled out a lighter, asked me to pull out my letters, and helped me burn them.

He told me I was worth so much to the world and that after I finished my drink, I needed to head home and get some sleep.

He told me I was going to be okay tomorrow, and, for some reason, I believed him. He then gave me my keys and wallet back. I left that afternoon and went home, hugged my family, and got some sleep. The next day, I started working on myself.

I found a therapist and a new job. Years passed, and I found myself in a fantastic place in life, so, so far from where I had been that day.

To this day, no one in my life knows how close I came to taking my own life. But this random stranger just somehow understood me. And saved my life. I never saw him again. I don't even know his name.

It's the most unexplained thing that has ever happened to me. And I think about that guy every day, whoever he is and wherever he may be.

So, thank you, kind stranger, for saving my life that random September day on a pub patio.


Creepy Experiences Facts


2. The Uncanny Disappearance Of My Imaginary Friend

There was this kid in my kindergarten class that I distinctly remember playing with. We were pretty much inseparable. Then, about a month after the Christmas break one year, he just disappeared. That’s not even the creepy part. Or the part that I can’t explain. I mean, he could have just moved or something, right? But then how does that explain what happened after?

When we got back from Christmas break, no one remembered him. Not the teachers, or the other kids in my class. No one. I even asked the school counselor if he was okay, and she humored me by going through the records to see if he’d transferred.

She couldn’t find a thing. To this day, no one remembers him. I think about it at least once a month.


Childhood Imaginary Friends facts


3. Ghost Driver

I was delivering newspapers on my paper route when a long-time customer pulled up next to me. He asked me to give him his daily newspaper right there because he was going on a long trip. I handed him his newspaper then skipped his house as I continued my route. It seemed like a pretty harmless encounter—and then things got weird.

The next day I was collecting the weekly fees. We used to have to go collect the money back then because there were no internet payments yet. I went to his house to collect the fee.

His wife answered and promptly complained that I missed her house on my deliveries the day before. Even that seemed like a normal reaction. Her husband just hadn’t told her that he had collected the paper.

I explained to her that her husband had pulled up next to me the day before and that I had given him the paper. She started crying.

The next thing I know, she told me that her husband had passed away a couple of weeks ago and it was obviously not possible that I spoke with him the day before. That made my face turn white as a sheet.

Despite what she told me; I know what I saw that day. Nearly 30 years later and I still think about that situation. I have no way to logically explain what happened and it still gives me the creeps.


Creepy Experiences Facts


4. Visions Of The Future

I had this neighbor who was around 30 years old. He was such a sweet guy. Let’s just say his name was Adam. I felt like he was the kind of older brother I’ve always wished for but never actually had.

He was a really talented guy; gym freak, good at singing and playing every possible instrument, dance, sports, cooking, etc.

He used to take me and my younger brother to the beach wherever possible. So, this incident took place three days before my 14th birthday. I was on my way to school in the morning when this scene flashed in front of my eyes.

It was like I had a premonition or something. In this scene, I saw Adam lose his life in a terrible accident.

It felt so real that I almost wanted to cry. I just passed it off as a crazy daydream because I had watched a movie in which the same thing had happened to a character the previous night.

I continued with my day normally and it was normal until almost eight at night. That’s when I heard the news that would change my life.

My parents got a call from someone that night. I could see their faces change expression almost immediately. Once the call ended, they said they needed to go somewhere and would be back in a while.

I wasn’t sure what was happening yet but I felt that something wasn’t right. The next morning, I woke up to the worst news of my life.

Adam had died. Apparently, he’d been in a major accident the previous night and passed away on the spot. I didn’t know how to react because a few hours before the accident had happened, I had a bad feeling that I couldn’t explain.

For days I couldn’t even sleep and I blamed myself because I felt like maybe I could have warned him about it and maybe he would still be alive.

It’s been almost seven years since that incident took place but every time, I think about it, my heart aches and I still wish he was alive.

I still can’t explain that premonition that I had or why I had that sort of sinking feeling hours before it actually happened.


Creepy Experiences Facts
