May 9, 2023 | Nia Williams

Super Dumb Adults

It's incredible some of the preposterous things that grown-ups still believe to be true. Try not to facepalm as you read these outrageous stories of ignorance at its finest.

1. That's A Load Of Gas

Back when I was a child, my clever dad convinced me that the numbers on the gas pumps represent the year the gas was produced. I blindly believed him because, hey, Dad knows best, right? That turned my understanding of gas grades upside down.

Jump to when I was 25 years old, I casually asked my boyfriend what year of petrol he preferred for his car. He initially thought I was pulling his leg. But once he saw my serious face, his jaw hit the floor. 

That's when I discovered the actual facts about gas grades. My dad, meanwhile, doesn't remember playing this prank on me, but he finds it uproariously funny that his joke lasted a good 15 years.

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2. That Sounds Ridiculous

Remember when we were just little kids? I once convinced my brother that the names of motorcycles actually mimic the sounds they produce. Like, a Kawasaki would go something like, "COWWWWW AAAAAH SAAAAA KKKKEEEEEEEE."

Roughly a month back, he rings me up and playfully accuses me of making a fool out of him. The story he spilled had me rolling with laughter. Turns out, he had been at a local pub, fervently sharing this motorcycle-sound theory of ours. He was even going as far as reenacting the sounds, rather animatedly, to persuade his listeners. 

Picture this: there he was, belting out: 'SOOOOOOZOOOOOOKEEEEEEEEEE' at the top of his lungs to a crowd of attractive ladies, who were having a good laugh at his expense and eventually debunking his claim using their phones.

Would you believe he's 28 now?

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3. Wake Up And Smell The Coffee

In my Geography 101 class, led by a doctoral student, we were exploring various climates. The topic of coffee cultivation arose and the professor started discussing the world's finest coffees. At this point, I mentioned my fondness for Kona coffee from Hawaii. 

However, he immediately launched into a lengthy monologue, asserting that Hawaii was unsuitable for coffee cultivation due to its lack of high-altitude, subtropical environment. I countered by pointing out that Kona coffee from Hawaii is indeed well-known. Regardless, he brushed me off publicly.

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4. You're So Gullible

My dad comes from a big family – he's one of 13 siblings. Among them, I have two uncles who were quite the pranksters when they were young, and my youngest aunt who, as it turns out, is incredibly easy to fool.

When my aunt was around 9 years old, my mischievous uncles were about 12 and 13. They also had another brother, "Steve", who was a very serious individual. One day, after losing a hockey match, Steve came home visibly upset. This is when my prankster uncles had their big idea. 

They convinced my young, gullible aunt that the reason Steve was so upset was because he'd accidentally hit a kid with a puck during the game, tragically causing his end. They went on to warn her that she must never mention it, as it was too painful for Steve to even think about it.

Fast forward a few decades to 2009. At a family gathering, my aunt had had a bit to drink. Suddenly, she dramatically slammed her fist down. She asked, "Why don't we ever talk about that kid Steve killed during hockey practice?"

You can imagine the confusion, soon followed by understanding as everyone realized she had sincerely believed, for most of her life, that her brother Steve had accidentally caused a kid's end at a hockey game. 

And the best part? When my uncles discovered the long-standing result of their prank, they reacted with simple disbelief, saying, "Wow, we totally forgot about that!"

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5. It's Bean Done Before

At 23 years old, I made the surprising discovery that my mom was not the creator of the green bean casserole recipe. I had always believed it was her unique specialty. My girlfriend was in stitches after I divulged this and claimed I would get to the bottom of it. That was when she pointed out the instructions on the side of a soup can.

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6. People Eat That?

For the entirety of my 22 years, I've lived next door to a woman in her mid-40s who holds an unusual belief: that eggs are human-made inventions, not products of chickens.

One afternoon, we drove past a road sign advertising "1 dozen chicken eggs for $1," and she made a grimace of distaste.

Taken aback, my mom inquired, "What's the problem?" Her revealing answer left us speechless.

Our neighbor expressed with clear disdain, "I'm appalled that people can actually consume chicken eggs."

Stunned, my mom pointed out, "But you eat eggs regularly..."

She shot back defiantly, "Those are factory-produced white eggs, not the natural brown chicken ones."

For the rest of the drive, we spent a good 30 minutes futilely trying to enlighten her about the true origin of eggs. I am not sure we made any headway.

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7. Not Smarter Than A 5-Year-Old

My mom, girlfriend, sister, sister-in-law and 5 year old niece decided to go shopping together. While exploring a clothing rack, my niece decided to play a little hide-and-seek. From within the clothes, she giggled and announced, "Hey, Auntie, guess what? I'm incognito"!

They were a little stunned and questioned her if she knew what the word 'incognito' meant. "Of course, I do. I'm blending in", came the immediate reply of the little one.

The adults couldn't help but be taken aback. They then turned to my girlfriend and decided to challenge her vocabulary skills. So they asked her if she knew what the term 'incognito' meant. Her response was a wildly off guess. "Isn't that one of the X-Men?" she asked.

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8. An Embarrassing Discovery

On our class outing to the aquarium in sixth grade, my mom joined us. As we wandered past the exhibit of seahorses, she let out a loud gasp and made the silliest comment: "GOODNESS ME! SEAHORSES ACTUALLY EXIST?!?!" To put it mildly, it was a bit mortifying.

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9. Role Confusion

My cousin had a baby on the way, and her sister was over the moon with excitement. However, she was a touch confused and wasn't sure if she'd end up being an aunt or an uncle based on the baby's gender. A couple of us had to patiently clarify to her that her role wouldn't change depending on whether it's a boy or a girl.

Interestingly enough, she's a schoolteacher herself.

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10. You're Over-Reacting

My pal thinks that depression isn't real—it's just overly sensitive individuals struggling with stress and seeking attention. Here's where things get weird: she's training to become a therapist. Her views drastically clash with the majority of professionals who are working hard to remove the stigma from depression.

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11. You're So Wrong

One of my former partner's friends couldn't grasp the fact that communication was enabled through underwater cables. He questioned, "Really? Don't tell me you believe there are cables under the sea! Everything's done by satellites!"

Mind you, he was in his third year of an engineering course. When he confirmed his error on Google, he didn't bother to apologize.

It's fascinating that, even with his studies, he never questioned how telegraph messages or phone calls reached across continents long before the existence of satellites.

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12. Strangest Belief

I had an acquaintance, who I briefly dated, who seemed to lack basic knowledge. Despite being 29, he held the odd belief that shaving for the first time is what triggers facial hair growth. He based this on his own experience of shaving his soft, early teen hair when he was 14 and noticing that within a year, he started growing stubble. 

His logic in explaining this was priceless: "Body doesn't start making whiskers until you've cut off the initial baby hairs you're born with. Similar to how babies remain mostly hairless until their first haircut."

When I questioned that logic and asked, "Why don't I have beard-like hair growing on my legs, then?" He seemed dumbstruck and responded, "If I never began shaving, I wouldn't grow hair at all."

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13. It Can't Bee

Our neighbors own a couple of sizeable bee farms. One day as we were driving past, my wife noticed a swarm of bees buzzing around the hives. She nonchalantly wondered aloud how on earth our neighbors were going to convince all those bees to return to their homes.

I must say, my wife is an intelligent woman. There are hardly a handful of instances, two or three at most, where I've found gaps in her understanding. But these few instances are a source of friendly tease from my end.

The question about getting the bees back into their hives? Absolutely hilarious.

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14. Gaps In Your Knowledge

In our French course at college, we were discussing how pronunciation morphs when the following word starts with a vowel.

One classmate leaned over to another girl sitting next to me and exclaimed, "I ought to brush up on my vowels, huh... like D is a vowel, isn't it"?

Truly, I promise on my future honor to my mother that I'm not concocting this story.

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15. Itchy Situation

My brother-in-law was chatting with my sister and shared his puzzlement over why folks make a big fuss about herpes. He casually remarked, "You know, it disappears after seven years."

Spotting the puzzled look on my sister's face, he clarified, "By 'it', I mean the seven-year itch".

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16. Misguided Tour Guide

Once upon a time, I partnered with my friend, who happens to be a pilot, to provide aerial tours of the Rockies. As a former geologist, I shared my knowledge of the surrounding landscape, explaining how it consisted mainly of limestone. This meant that these geological formations initially existed at the bottom of the ocean. 

Consequently, all the rocky materials forming the mountains around us were once underwater before they rose to become part of North America.

However, my pilot friend seemed to miss the point somewhat. His interpretation to the tour-goers was a real hoot: He was telling our guests that because the mountains were once submerged, it implied the home countries of our visitors (like the UK and Australia) were also once under the sea; attributing it to incredibly high sea level!

Convincing him that the rocks weren't always where they are now when they were underwater took more time than one might think. Even now, I'm unsure if he finally grasped what I was saying or simply decided it didn't matter anymore.

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17. Shocking Belief

When I was just about 5 years old, my dad used to work at a big warehouse. One time, he took me along to collect his paycheck. He showed me the gigantic ceiling fans, telling me they were so powerful, they could suck up a lightweight like me if I didn't keep a tight grip on him! Naturally, I took his word for it and never gave it a second thought.

Years later, when I was 13, I had an epiphany while riding in the car with my mom. I blurted out, "Mom, Dad fooled me!" Then, I slapped my forehead in disbelief for only just figuring this out.

Without skipping a beat, my mom countered, "So, you must've discovered he didn't really lose his hair by licking a battery, huh?"

I ended up slapping my forehead twice that day.

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18. Thief In The Sky

Growing up, my grandma used to comfort my thunder phobia by describing it as a "tater wagon" or potato cart, rumbling across the sky. However, being a small kid with no idea about potato wagons, I somehow interpreted it as a "tater dragon".

Hence, for a considerable part of my childhood, before I had proper knowledge about weather and storms, I believed there was an enormous dragon that soared the skies during bad weather, nicking potatoes.

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19. Huge Discovery

I'm a guy in my early 20s, fairly sharp, and just discovered narwhals are REAL animals, not make-believe sea-unicorns. I'd only ever spotted them in cartoons and drawings, so I thought they were a myth.

One day, all of us—my roomies, buddies, and my soon-to-be spouse—who were all engrossed in watching Frozen Planet, were taken aback when narwhals appeared on screen.

I was beyond surprised! So much so, I leapt out of my seat, thinking the Discovery Channel team had unearthed some phenomenal scientific find. I immediately regretted reacting that way.

Fast forward two weeks, and they won't stop teasing me over these giant-tusked whales. I don't see any end to this...

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20. Geography Challenge

My family and I relocated from Florida to Michigan. During my first school year in Michigan, we delved into the subject of geography, during which the term 'peninsulas' was brought up. 

Things instantly got interesting. II chimed in that Florida is a peninsula, which set off a round of laughter from everyone in class, teacher included. 

They thought it was hilarious and insisted that Florida isn't a peninsula. Despite my confidence and further insistence, the laughs only got louder.

For crying out loud, it’s known as the Florida Peninsula.

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21. By The Gods Of Olympus!

Have I got a story for you! This happened about 13 years ago; my uncle was shopping in a store located on the border of Washington and Idaho. He was at the checkout, planning to pay with a check. The cashier, a little puzzled, asked him where he was from because they don't accept checks from outside the state.

He casually replied, "Olympia." To his surprise, the cashier apologized and informed him that they couldn't accept foreign checks.

He took a moment to comprehend before realizing she confused Olympia, Washington for Olympia, Greece.

My uncle clarified, "Olympia—that's the capital of Washington state, not Greece."

The cashier seemed quite bewildered and had to call over the manager. Maybe it was her belief that Seattle is the capital of Washington state—just like so many others mistakenly believe that New York City is the capital of New York, or that Los Angeles is the capital of California. 

It's one thing to mix up capitals or geographies, but it's quite a head-scratching moment when someone doesn't know their own state's capital!

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22. Sea Of Ignorance

So, my girlfriend, who's 22, recently took a trip to Florida where she visited a sea turtle rescue center. She was so captivated by the baby turtles that she asked one of the workers to show her a turtle without its shell. The guy just stared at her blankly before kindly explaining that a turtle couldn't be separated from its shell without it dying. 

Later in that same trip, she excitedly sent me a text, sharing their plan of going on a boat trip in hopes of catching some freshwater tuna. I responded, "Don't you mean saltwater tuna?" to which she asked, "Wait, then what is freshwater?"

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23. All In A Name

In 9th grade, my English teacher attempted to penalize me because I didn't pronounce "debris" to her liking.

She insisted it was pronounced "de-briss". Upset by my disagreement, she sent me to the principal's office with a note suggesting I "deliberately contradicted her and should be suspended for showing disrespect to an elder".

Our principal, who was generally a laid-back individual, had me sort mail for an hour instead of a suspension. Luckily, there was a twist to the story. 

As the hour was ending, we both returned to the English class: He stopped her teaching in its tracks, and gently told her, “The student pronounced the word 'debris' correctly, not 'de-briss'. Moving forward, let's remember this. And if it happens again, perhaps you'll be the one taking a week-long leave instead of the student facing suspension”.

She was completely embarrassed. To this day, whenever students from the class bump into her, they humorously refer to her as Miss, or Mrs. Debriss.

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24. Absurd Claims

Once, I interacted with a woman who was truly convinced that there were no harmful substances or poisons present in the "natural world", and believed that only "man-made" materials could be toxic.

I made attempts to rectify this misunderstanding—but it only made things worse. I referred to straightforward examples such as toxic plants, heavy metals, and the like, but to no avail. She remained firmly rooted in her lack of scientific understanding. 

This lady was absolutely adamant, refusing to accept or consider even the most basic facts. Her allegiance to this irrational belief was unshakeable, and no degree of informative talk, debate, or logical thinking could shake her off it.

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25. Scientific Ignorance

Back in the end of the 1980s, my father and his buddies, who were all about 18 to 20 years old, were having a conversation about the ozone layer's hole. One of his gal pals chimed in, earnestly stating, "Well, it's no surprise we have an ozone hole with all the rockets and space shuttles we've been launching". 

She was completely serious about it. They gently asked her to repeat her statement, hoping against hope she was just pulling their leg. Their laughter broke out when they realized that she genuinely thought that.

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26. Here's What's Really Going On

A former coworker of mine once suggested that we should quit boiling water entirely. Why? Because in her opinion, it could lead to the depletion of the earth's water reserves.

Her point wasn't immediately clear to me, so I asked her to break it down in simpler terms. She started comparing the steam rising from boiling water to the flames consuming wood. According to her, the water was being "burned away" to a point of no return.

Maintaining a respectful tone, I enlightened her on the actual scenario. Her response was a skeptical, "I'm not convinced, but I'll check on it once I'm home". I sincerely hope she followed through on that.

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27. It's Not My Fault

I'm currently residing on the East Coast.

A couple of years back, when I was preparing for a school trip to Canada, my mom inquired about our mode of transportation. "Are you going by bus? That sure sounds like a long journey," she expressed with worry.

I replied, "Indeed, it's going to take around 8 hours," but she was convinced it would be a whopping 15 hours.

Her misunderstanding was rooted in the belief that Canada began at the West Coast and stretched only up to North Dakota. She was under the impression that I'd have to travel all the way across the country, and then north to Canada. I had to use an atlas to show her the reality.

Laughing it off, she said, "Don't blame me, my education came from nuns."

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28. What A Cool Question—Not

I came across a screenshot on Facebook where the writer puzzlingly asked, "If shooting stars are hurtling towards Earth, wouldn't they vanish from our skies?"

I couldn't help but facepalm, and a coworker of mine, who's in her late 20s, asked me what was the issue. I read her the statement—and her response was totally eye-opening. She said, as serious as can be: "Wow, that actually sounds like a very intriguing question!"

Then I felt obliged to explain to her on the spot what meteorites are, essentially starting off with, "Allow me to inform you about this grand concept known as 'space'..."

Really, people? Can't believe it.

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29. You're Dreaming

My roommate was sharing her dream from last night with us, in which she got "napped". We all shot her a confused glance, which led her to clarify that she was abducted from her home. 

So, we stepped in to set her terminology right, saying, "Don't you mean kidnapped?" I kind of had a gut feeling about her response, but it still left me surprised, "Yes, but I'm not a kid."

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30. Not The Brightest Star

My buddy, who's studying medicine, somehow got it into her head that the sun can be seen at night, shining as the brightest star. I had to set her straight, letting her know that when it's night, the sun is actually hiding on the earth's other side. That's the whole concept of nighttime.

It leaves me scratching my head, wondering how over twenty-five years of schooling ended up with her thinking that.

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31. Granny, You're So Wrong

My grandma was convinced that if you let cooked rice sit for too long, it would spontaneously turn into maggots. When I challenged her on this, she was skeptical and asked how I could be absolutely certain about it.

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32. The Truth Stuns

Once, an extremely smart English teacher I had in high school confessed to us that until her early 20, she genuinely believed in the most outrageous concept—that unicorns resided in New Zealand. It seems her parents convinced her of this when she was a child. She only discovered the real facts during a meal she had with her friends, who happened to be educators.

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33. Here's How They Work

When I was around 8 or 9 years old, I was heading to the shop with my mom, who is a teacher. I remember telling her that I needed to power something that could operate either by plugging it into an outlet or using batteries. I specified that I required a power source independent of wall sockets. 

She responded by claiming that batteries don't provide electricity and they function on a different force entirely, insisting that only wall plugs supply electricity. 

We had a bit of a discussion on this topic, which ended with her making a sarcastic comment, something along the lines of, "How could I possibly know? It's not like I studied electrical engineering!" Interesting enough, my dad holds a degree in electrical engineering.

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34. A Baffling Concept

My Hungarian grandmother—and this is common among her generation in Hungary—firmly believes in this practice. During the hot summer days, all windows and doors must remain closed no matter how sweltering it is outside. This is to prevent "huzat", which is a cross-breeze. Surprisingly, most people don't have air conditioning.

If you've heard about fatalities in Europe due to the heatwaves, I am fairly certain that many of these cases are similar to my grandmother's situation; they're likely individuals living in extremely hot houses where airflow is restricted.

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35. I Kid You Not

I remember chatting with a person who had a fear of puzzles that ask "How many squares can you find?" She believed that focusing too intently on such puzzles could hurt her eyes and even lead to blindness. I wish I was joking.

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36. Chemistry 101

Once upon a time, when I was a freshman in college, my group and I were doing a beginner's chemistry experiment in a lab. Suddenly, a girl in our group freaked out. The water began to boil, and she began shouting, "DON'T INHALE THAT—IT'S HYDROGEN"!

Clearly, she had gotten a bit mixed up about the basic states of matter.

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37. Birds Of A Feather...

Working in a restaurant, we sometimes fail to recruit the most competent folks.

I'll give you an example: a coworker once managed to trap herself in a walk-in cooler with a door that merely needed a good push for escape. From that point on, my hopes for her weren't flying high.

One time, while we were going over the kitchen prep tasks for the day, I was expressing frustration about our chicken supply running low. She casually suggested we should just swap in some turkey. 

When I explained to her that it wouldn't be honest to switch the meats without informing the customers, she retorted, "Chicken and turkey come from the same animal".

I was so dumbfounded, I didn't even bother correcting her misunderstanding. And frankly, I'm a little terrified to find out her theory on the origin of bacon.

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38. Beyond Gullible

So, when my buddy was a kid, he played a prank on his naive, elder sister. He convinced her that marshmallows were harvested from 'mallow trees' found in marshes.

Funny enough, he never let her in on the joke and she carried this belief far into her grown-up years.

The Dumbest AdultsFlickr, Jason Pratt


39. Not Accurate At All

Back when I was in 5th or 6th grade, I remember having a chat about space exploration with my friend. She was expressing her amazement at how swiftly we could drill through a hard layer of the earth during liftoff. I was puzzled and tried to explain to her that the atmosphere isn’t really a solid layer. 

Nevertheless, she stuck to her point and then I understood what she meant: She believed we resided within the Earth. To make her point clear, she sketched a diagram—a sphere with stick figures walking inside it.

When she thought I wasn’t getting her point, she said, “Just like a Wonderball, you know?"

She was genuinely surprised when she discovered that we walk on the external surface of the Earth. Interestingly, she also thought that gravity worked like those funfair rides where you stick against a spinning wall, which is closer to reality.

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40. One Giant Misconception

In the office the other day, I had a chat with a secretary who's also my boss's wife. Our talk veered towards appreciating the climate of our continent. Wondering what I was referring to, she asked for an explanation, leading me to believe she was unsure about the weather patterns unique to our continent. She then left me speechless.

Turns out, she wasn't familiar with the term 'continent' at all. Despite being in her mid-30s, she wasn't aware that continents were distinct land masses. She had always thought we inhabited one enormous chunk of land.

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41. Face Palm Moment

At the age of 26, my wife watched a video showcasing a car engine blowing up and was taken aback that it could happen. I teased her by saying, "Well—it's a combustion engine, you know."

She gave me a perplexed look. This led me into over an hour of explaining how car engines function. Her assumption was that engines produced power by flowing gasoline through them, much like a watermill. 

When I questioned her about why wouldn't we then just use water, or where the gasoline went afterwards, or why a single tank didn't last indefinitely, she just stared at me blankly.

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42. We're Done

There was this girl I used to date who frequently shared amusing stories about outrageous beliefs and inquiries people had when they visited her summer job.

We were enjoying our chat until I brought up a topic of my own. I commented, "My goodness, folks who object to the teaching of evolution in schools are almost as misguided as those who reckon the earth is a few thousand years old."

Suddenly, she grew silent and the reason was clear to me. Curiously, I asked, "So, if evolution isn't your thing, what's your belief?"

"Well, I do believe in evolution, but I'm convinced that God created us initially and we've only evolved marginally from that state," she responded.

Well, alright. I guess that holds up. Over time and during her veterinary studies, she might have to be a tad more flexible in her beliefs.

I said, "Okay, fair enough," more because of her charm than agreement, "how about the earth's age?"

"I'm unconvinced about any proof of the earth being older," she stated.

And with that, we had nothing else to discuss.

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43. What An Eye-Opener

It wasn't until I hit my mid-20s that I found out pickles are actually cucumbers. I used to think they were separate veggies and pickles were just the pickled form of a unique type of vegetable. Boy, was the Gedney factory tour an eye-opener!

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44. Try Not To Giggle

Over breakfast this morning, my best friend—who really is smart, honestly—shared an idea with me about the numbers on milk cartons. Her explanation was insanity—she said that when a carton says 2%, it means only 2% of it is actually milk, and the rest, a whopping 98%, is other stuff, like water. 

All I could do was smile and nod while she explained this, and then, trying hard to contain my laughter, I gently set her straight.

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45. Fairy Tale Belief

Until I was around 21 or 22 years old, I had this notion that a hermit was a person who, rather peculiarly, had taken up residence inside a tree! Not within a treehouse—which would have been a bit more believable—but within the trunk of a tree. 

I pictured these persons tucked away in the forest, living inside enormous trees, the insides hollowed out with a tiny door carved into the bark and absolutely no windows.

This strange idea probably sprung from a storybook I read when I was little. To say that the revelation of my theory invited a lot of chuckles when it inadvertently slipped out in a conversation would be an understatement. As for why I had such an odd notion in my head...well, that's a good question!

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46. New Discoveries

My downstairs neighbor hails from India and has been living in the US for the past 16 years. He's quite successful as a developer at a big company, earning a decent annual income. We've built a good friendship and often have heart-to-heart chats about life. During our discussions about religion, I always end up finding out something he doesn't know about.

One instance was when he questioned my belief in dinosaurs yet lack of belief in God. Another time was when he made similar comments about galaxies after I shared with him that there are billions out there.

Just recently, I told him how his car's fuel actually originates from plant and animal material that decomposed millions of years prior. He found this quite amusing and quipped that, according to him, I would fall for anything.

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47. We Can Make An Exception

In the 90s, I was on a mission for a customer to hunt down a rare part. Finally stumbled on a place in New Jersey that had just what I needed. When I explained over the phone that I wanted it shipped to New Mexico, she was quick to say they didn't deliver overseas. I clarified that it wasn't old Mexico but NEW Mexico I was talking about. Her rebuttal was basically, “Well, it's still MEXICO and we're a domestic shipment only kind of place".

Man, was it a face-palm moment! I spent good time ensuring her that New Mexico was a real state, inclusive of its geographical location. Still, she was sceptical, "Never came across such a state. Why would you name a state after a different country?" The irony that she was in a state named after a region from another country seemed to be lost on her.

All I asked was for her to double-check with a colleague. She put me on hold for quite some time. Now here's the show-stopper: When she returned to the line she somewhat timidly said, "We've made a decision to bend our shipping rules just this once for your order".

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48. Now That's Ditzy

One of my endearing but scatterbrained buddies once declared she couldn't grasp how being a meteorologist is a real job as it seemed straightforward to her.

Her takes on this topic were crazy—I discovered that she believed weather patterns were consistent year after year. In other words, if June 3rd was sunny one year, she assumed it would be sunny on every June 3rd in the following years. Interestingly, she was using this unique idea to plan her vacations. Oh, how I miss her!

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49. Check, Please

For roughly three months, I found myself eagerly wanting to know a certain girl, but I didn't even know her name and hadn't come across her on campus again. On the third month, I spotted her, gathered my courage, and asked her out.

Being a physics student, I was passionately sharing some fascinating insights from my planetary physics lessons. She responded, "Isn't God great? He created the sun to revolve around the earth, in a perfect circle."

I mistook her words for humor and burst into laughter, only to realize she was absolutely serious. Without batting an eyelid, I requested the bill and made my exit.

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50. Decode This

My girlfriend, who's 23 years old, was completely unaware of what Roman numerals are. She was working on a poster design for an event I was planning and posed the question, "What's the secret sequence for this number?"

I scratched my head a bit before realizing she was referring to the event number that we typically display at the lower part of every poster. I attempted to clarify the concept of Roman numerals, but she insisted she already knew and brushed the conversation off. That was until she asked about the 'secret sequence' again...

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Nothing stays hidden forever—and these dark family secrets are proof that when the truth comes out, it can range from devastating to utterly chilling.
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Madame de Pompadour was the alluring chief mistress of King Louis XV, but few people know her dark history—or the chilling secret shared by her and Louis.

Madame de Pompadour Facts

Entrancing Facts About Madame de Pompadour, France's Most Powerful Mistress

Madame de Pompadour was the alluring chief mistress of King Louis XV, but few people know her dark history—or the chilling secret shared by her and Louis.
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